

Blog for the month of May

Building the Playground, Birthdays, Decorating the bedroom, New words and expressions.
Blog for the month of June

Games, chalk, Liams birthday, the beach, the zoo, Canada Day and the duck pond.
Blog for the month of July

Camping Trips, puppets, new phrases, piper's pictures and silly faces.
Blog for the month of August

Helping out, the potty, names, playing ball, webcams, teeth brushing, Piper's photos.
Blog for the month of September

Cucumber, tricycles, new words and phrases, sommersualts, dancing, gymnastics.
Blog for the month of October

Pumpkin Farms, Thanksgiving and Hallowe'en
Blog for the month of November

Knock Knock jokes, Snow and lights, birthdays, drawings, skating, train rides, making faces and virtual floors.
Blog for the month of December

Christmas, Madeline, drawings and more!
Blog for the month of January

Spelling, Colds, Toboggining, crafts, and more!
Blog for the month of February

Puzzles, Computer games, Duck Duck Goose, funny phrases.
Blog for the month of March

A trip out west, pony rides, and family.
Blog for the month of April

Current Month.