
August 2008 Blog

Monday August 30th

OK...some big strides this past few weeks. Rain has successfully used the potty (kind of). She made it to the potty in time to get the last but into the potty. Woohoo! Way to go Rain! (however twice tonight she peed on the couch...whoops)

Yesterday while I was drawing their bath Piper fetched jammies both for her and Rain without me asking. She knows the routine so well she was one step ahead of me. I might be out of a job...she's gonna be taking care of herself soon! She's such a great little helper. She even reminds me of things that I forget sometimes.

Rain got yet another black eye from running in circles in the living room and then tripping and falling into the book shelf. I caught this one on video.

Rain is also a ball player of unique skills. A few days ago we were praticing bouncing a basketball. On Rain's first try she managed to bounce the ball into the shelf and catch the rebound with her face. Then this morning she was throwing aball up in the air and somehow managed to land it perfectly on top of a book case, like it had landed in glue. Go figure I couldn't have done that in a million tries.

Last comment I have is about a new twinspeak word. "Heema!" That is what they say when they are playing in the car and they see me. They point at me and both shout HEEMA! (whatever that means)

Monday August 18th

Here goes some breif fun blurbs about the last month....whew there's a lot.

When you ask Piper what her name is she replies "Piper Morrison" And where do you live? "123 J......."

When you ask Rain what her name is she replies "Rain Morrison." And where do you live? "In the hottub." (hahaha)

Both girls are brushing their teeth (well...we have to brush them for them...but they like to brush as well) Piper has mastered not swallowing the toothpaste and spitting into the sink as well as rinsing. Rain still likes to eat the paste.

The girls and I went to the pool with Grandpa...Rain cornered him on the couch when he first arrived and then proceeded to talk his ear of for about 15minutes straight. Then at the pool once Piper and Mommy were done Rain stayed in an extra 20minutes with Grandpa. It was pretty cute.

When Nana came home (Nana and Opa have been away for much of August) and came to see the girls they were down for a nap....but Piper woke up and you should have seen the HUGE smile when she saw nana peeking in the doorway to their bedroom. NANA!!!

Piper also demonstrated how to use the potty to Auntie Mags...on the webcam. Auntie Mags had popped up and Piper fetched her potty and brought it to the living room so Auntie Mags coudl see her potty. At first she didn't go and joined Rain the kicthen to have a jam session on some pots with wooden spoons (I followed with the webcam so Auntie could watch). Then Piper jumped up...took of down the hall to the living room to potty. She was SO proud and got a round of applause from Mags.

We have discovered that Rain is terrified of butterflies...not all butterflies...just the little white ones you see around the garden. Not sure why.

We also managed to forget their sandals on a bench at a waterpark....I'm not sure why we didn't notcied when we were heading back to the car that neither kid had shoes on...brains fired I guess.

OK...so that's it for small stories...here are some funny pictures with captions. Another Piper photo...one of some toy dogs.

A Piper photo of Auntie Mags on the laptop

A great picture that Piper took of Mommy and Daddy (no foolin!)

Playdo Fu Man Chu

Tuesday August 5th

The first August blog woohoo! Not too much to report on yet this month. The girls are up to the same old antics. Rain managed to scrap both her knees after running at full speed downhill on the pavement. I guess I should be happy that at least she didn't have her hands in her pockets at the time.

A couple of fun photos. Piper the paparazzi. Rain caught in the act. "No pictures please!"

The baby is wearing a pot on it's head. Why? Who knows. (Rain said it was a party hat!)