
May 2008 Blog

Saturday May 31st, 2008

Another week goes by with some more funny things to note. Some of my most recent favourite Rain sayings are "Taraffes" and "Kazelles"....she's still in love with animals of all kinds. The other week she came to tell me that a Wombat lives in the Outback. Go figure. Piper has started telling us all the things she likes and loves. She will says "I love Nana" or "I love you Mommy". She also tells me about all the things she likes. "I like elephants, I like spooky, I like raspberries" and so on and on and on...

We skipped nap today to go to Sasha's birthday party. It was really fun to hang out with tons of othr kids. Check out the photos from that day. Stay tune for next month's thoughts!

Saturday May 24th, 2008

Today we built the playground. Well actually Daddy, Grandpa and Opa built the playground. Mommy and the girls supervised. A couple of fun things to note. Rain calls Southpaw (Auntie Mags dogs) Ess-paw. Piper has taken it upon herself to get Rain dressed abd has started trying to put Rain's jacket and shoes on her. Rain is less than impressed. Some pictures and captions of the playground building.

First Pole

Rain waiting...waiting

Figureing it out

Testing out the slide

What's taking so long!?

Level 2

Rain tries to sneak up

Getting there

The boys take a break to eat

The finished product! Thanks Daddy, Grandpa and Opa!

Sunday May 18th, 2008

The girls have new teeth...their eye teeth have come in. That's not the biggest news though. Piper has figured out how to climb out of the crib. Two nights agao we put her in the crib and then sat down to watch TV and she came wandering down the hallway. Uh OH. So the past 2 days I've been napping with her on the bed (since she refused to stay in the crib for her nap). Bedtime is going ok so far and a back rub usually gets her relaxed enough to prefer sleep to climbing...so far that is. It's annother adventure in parenting...another challenge to work through.

Rain has fallen in love with animals...animals of all kinds. She came up to me today and said wombat, gazelle and cheetah. She's an animal sponge. Daddy thinks its a genetic thing she must get from Mommy. (Kind of like the way I think Piper's love of the National Anthem is genetically passed from him to her via their love of hockey).

We also did some decorating in the girls room. They love Blue's Clues so we got them some wall decals and out them up.

Last I wanted to post some growth info.

November 2007
Rain 31", Piper 32.5"

May 2008
Rain 33.5", Piper 35.5"

A New Blue's Room

Saturday May 10th, 2008

Happy Birthday Rain and Piper! They're TWO!

We've had three straight days of celebarting. First on Thursday with Rain's birthday. The Friday was Piper's birthday...and finally Saturday we had the family over to help celebrate. Piper went to sleep that night singing Happy Birthday to herself (so cute!)

Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate the girls second birthday! There are photos posted on the May Photos page. Some highlights with captions below.

Birthday Cake...YUM!


Choclate Strawberry (aka Cholette Stawbabies)

Auntie Mags painting Piper's toenails

Piper painting Mommy's toenails

Mommy's toenails (not bad for a first try Piper)

Piper and Mommy's toenails