
December 2008 Blog

Monday December 29th, 2008

After a few days of staying home and calming down the girls are raring to go. I don't have too much to report other than that the girls are loving their xmas presents. They love their new Madeline and Curious George DVD's. We watched Peter Pan and they come to me with their hand pulled up their sleeve saying that a crocodile bit off their hand. Then they mimic having a hook and starting scratching at me.

We've been reading a TON of books and they are both really getting into story books. Sometimes, just for fun, we change the words when reading them one of their books, just to see if they are paying attention, and they always correct us.

We've had a few days of rain which was fun because we got to try out our new umbrellas. Lastly we got them new lights for their rooms that they can turn off and on. Rain's has the Seahorse and Piper has the Ladybug.

Opa is about to be smacked with a flutter board.

Splashing in the hottub with Nana and Opa. (We used to get in trouble doing this when we were kids...apparently the same rules don't apply to grandkids)

Three Princesses twirling

Rain in the rain (tasty umbrella!).

Friday December 26th, 2008

Wow..what a whirlwind of activity. We started off by staying over at Grandma and Grandpa's on Christmas Eve...Piper has a blast opening presents Christmas morning. Rain seemed to prefer opening her gifts in another room away from the activity around the tree.

We then headed to Nana and Opa's and then onto Auntie Chrsita's for a big family get together and some fun with cousin Nathan and new baby Scarlett. Piper finally got to hold baby Scarlett...although I didn't get a picture. We got to Skype with Auntie Heidi and Uncle Greg and then the whole crew (Uncle Scott, Auntie Mimi, Cousin Jack and Julia, Auntie Mags and Manda) out west too! Mommy was surprised with a new toy...a Digital SLR (Sweeeeet! And you all know I'll get good use out of this!)

Today we popped up to Uncle Doug's cottage for lunch and even did a few toboggin runs. It was nice to just sit, eat and watch the snow fall.

Right now Piper is watching game 1 of the World Juniors with Daddy. She's got her jersey on and has been saying "GO Canada". Just before the game, Daddy and Mommy were watching the UFC weigh-ins which didn't interest Piper. She told us she liked hockey better. Daddy is grinning ear to ear!

A couple of super congrats.....Congrats to Auntie Mags and soon-to-be Auntie Amanda! Also congrats to cuz Ben for finishing up the degree.

It's been an truly excellent holiday!

Rain and Piper (my christmas angels)

A parade of ducks

SpiderDad and AlienPip

Piper "helping" Rain with her presents

Daddy and Baby Scarlett (so tiny!!)

Monday December 22nd, 2008

Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!

The girls have been counting down the days on their advent calendar. Rain has been asking me to draw pictures of chimney's all week long (she knows Santa comes down chimney's). They have already had some present openings...and Piper alwasy see a present and goes "Ooohhhh". We had a Christmas party with Grandma's side of the family. It was really fun and the girls got to see their second cousins Ciara, Teegan, Ryleigh and Liam. It was little kid madness.

The week has been crazy weather-wise...snow, snow more snow and rain. It's definately a white Christams though which is nice.

Also wanted to give my cousin a BIG congrats to the birth of her daughter Baby Scarlett! Piper has been dying to hold the baby in the belly!

They girls have been busy all week drawing, painting, playing pretend, singing Christmas Carols (they know "Jingle Bells" and "Rudolph"). Rain discovered the stickers one day and covered one of her babydolls.

Monday December 11th, 2008

Piper is my sly one....yesterday I was in the bathroom she came in and I asked her to leave the bathroom which she did. A few moments later she peeked in the door again from the hallway and I asked her again to leave. She grinned at me and said "But mommy I'm not in the bathroom". Technically her feet were in the hallway....and that grin on her face meant that she knew it too. Grrrr....Piper 1, Mommy 0

We made a snowman two days ago but he melted in the rainstorm we had soon after. The girls had fun decorating him and then gave him hugs and kisses.

We went out to get our first Christmas tree...the girls helped daddy pick one out and then we decorated it later that afternoon. They like the lights best but today I heard Piper shouting at the tree when the lights were flickering..."Tree don't blink at me!!!"

Last night we went on a 2 kilometer walk called the Trail Of Lights. It was pretty amazing to see all they different sculptures all lit up. There was a huge reindeer looking over the top of a building. There were sports players kicking soccer goals, getting touchdowns and swinging out at bat. There were some dinosaurs and a juggling dragon, rabbits running through the woods, huge archways of lights and on and on the lights went. It was cold but we warmed up getting our picture taken with Santa.

A photo taken by Piper of Rain...pretty good.

Our snowman...Mr. Franklin.

Picking out the tree

Trail of Lights

Santa Claus

Monday December 8th, 2008

The Good!
Christmas is coming and the girls are really excited! They helped Grandma and Grandpa decorate their tree. They met Santa at a plant nursery, they love looking at the lights on the houses, and help mommy wrap presents.

The Bad!
Drawing with markers on the curtains...but the question is "Who dunnit?" Piper told me she did until she found out that it was a bad thing to do. Then she said Rain did it. Rain just said she didn't do it. I still don't know who did it. There were also marker lines on some of their toys and on the TV screen.

The Maybe!
The Santa Claus Parade - Piper loved it was waving her flags, clapping and accepting candy canes from whoever offered, Rain said it was too loud for her (she watched the parade from nehind a house at the end of an alleyway.)

Nana made the girls a really awesome advent calendar to help them count down to the holiday. They get to stick a new ornament on a felt tree each day

We've been playing more hide and seek and they are becomming more inventive with their hiding places. Rain tied to hide under the bedroom tiles.

They've really gotten into drawing and painting. Piper experimenting with colour. Rain using two brushes at once.