September 2008 Blog
Tuesday, September 30th, 2008
Well Septmeber is done. The wonderful weather we've been having ended with all day rain. The girsl spent much of the day jumping on an air mattress I inflated for them.
Last weekend we had our first Kindernastics class. Rain was less than happy to be there. Piper seemed interested by I think she was thrown off by Rain's discomfort. I switched them to a different class called "Creative Play" instead. we'll see how that goes on Saturday.
Lastly my fave word of the week is Rain saying "Showoff" which comes out more like "Shopop." Catch you in October.
Wednesday, September 24th, 2008
On the way home from the grocery store yesterday, Rain managed to eat a whole cucumber...well...almost all of it (an inch or so was left which she finished off today. Piper polished off about 2/3 of her cucumber. I guess they like to eat them whole better than in slices. Who knew.
Their list of made-up-words grows. They loves calling each others an "Anguin" (sounds like Penguin without the 'P') which send them both in to giggles (I managed to catch them playing this game on video). They also love to call each other a "Bing Bong Bong" (whatever that is). Rain will say Bing Bong Bong and the Piper will say "I'm a Bing Bong Bong too." (So in addition to Hema and Peegatit they're still inventing...)
Lastly I have to showcase a few more fun photos.
Hmm...where does this go?

Hey there's a rabbit in here...

Sommersaults off the bed.

Animal Parade
Tuesday, September 16th, 2008
Yestaerday we started playing Hide and Seek. It was pretty funny when they counted and I hid...Rain followed Piper around while looking hoping that I'd jump out and scare her first. When Piper hides she alwasy picks the same spot behind their door...we'll work on this game a bit more.
One game they do like is when I hoist up the duvet on our bed and we can all gather underneath like we're in a tent. I tell them there's a wolf outside the tent who is going to get us....then the wolf either huffs and puffs and blows the tent off or he howls and then pops into the tent to scare us. They're imagination astounds me...Piper can even point out the location of the imaginary wolf.
We've also started getting into playdoh. They're favouriet thing is the Fun Factory squisher. Making spagetti and snakes in all colours.
Nana and Opa introduced the girls to tree climbing which they seem to love. Rain of course keeps wanting to go higher. I pretended to grab Piper's tongue while in the tree and she shouted "Put It back!"
Today we went to the Lake to throw rocks in the water. We also introduced the girls to burrs. Piper seems to think it was fun to stick and restick them on her sweater.
Check out Rain's dancing videos...dancing on the corner, in a gazebo and to the TV.
Friday, September 12th, 2008
Wow..the first couple of weeks went by fast, even though we didn't do all that much. I caught Piper ordering Rain around..."Rain...SIT! STAY!" Funny enough Rain listened. Sometime when neither of them are being good listeners I use one of their puppets to talk to them. Sometimes they seem to respond to a Puppets request better than mine.
Piper also found my MP3 player, out it one along with her sunglasses and then came to tell me that she was going running like Mommy. Both of them love the headphones.
Rain loves jumping. Today she was demonstrating a "high" jump. It looks like a cannonball. Check out the video.
Here's a photo of my car...I found that "someone" or "someones" fed about 2 meters of hose through the hubcap.

More of Piper's Photos. Presonally I like the contrast of the role of toilet white paper with the colourful floor mat. the juxtaposition of elements from two different rooms alludes to the contrast in today's society between....meh...just kidding.
Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008
Welcome to September! Some fun jumping photos to start the month. WAAAAAHoooooo!