
November 2008 Blog

Sunday November 30th, 2008

Rain is having potty successes and big toilet successes (Piper has been using the big toilet for a few months now)....both the girls are on their way to training. YAY!

They have also had their first run in with Santa! We were at a plant nursery to go see the granddaddy fish (as Rain calls it) in the Koi pond when we came across Santa giving out candycanes. They girls were a bit apprehensive but not afraid.
They have also learned their first Knock Knock joke (which they take turns telling each other)

Knock Knock
Who's There
Boo Who?
Don't be sad it's just a knock knock joke.

I know it's corny but they love laughing at it. It was from one of their Elmo video's that they haven't watched all that much until recently.

Well November is done and December is almost here. They girls are looking forward to Christmas. They love the tree at Grandma and Granpa's and Nana made the girls an awesome felt Advent Calendar. Piper has told me she loves Santa and they seem to be itching to go sledding...it's gonna be a fun Christmas for sure!!!

Monday November 24th, 2008

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. Daddy and I had the night baby-free and went out to dinner and then to Second City for a show called "Barack To the Future". It was hillarious.

We built our first snowman today in the backyard with Nana and Daddy. (Mommy was at work) and played with some balloons in the bath. Balloons are fun. Balloons in the bath...even better!

The girls also saw Grandma and Granpa's Christmas tree. They seem to really be getting into the holiday. I think it will be really fun for them this year because they finally get it!

Piper's window painting...she painted it with a piece of cheese.

First snowfall (well Oct 21st was the first snowfall but it didn't collect) of the year. OOOooo Yook Mommy. SNOW!

Daddy put up some Xmas lights in the girls room today (I used to get my Dad to put them up in my room even though my window faced the back of the house - I loved the lights)

Some art work....Rain colours 4 sheets all at once and seems to prefer using the black marker.

Rain the matador.

Piper the ghost.

Thursday November 20th, 2008

So we've been to a party, met some new twins to play with and learn a new game. It's been a fun week.

Piper and Rain are now playing Hide and seek with each other. It's fun to watch seeing as how both of the like to come flying out of their hiding places just before they get found. They are pretty good with counting and then looking for Mommy and Daddy though.

We went to a birthday party for our neighbour Rebecca (who the girls call Umbecca). It was a play gym that had some virtual floors which was not only fun for the kids but for moms and dads. Check out the pictures below.

Piper has figured out that if one parent says no to her request then she goes and asks the other parent. It's even funnier when I say no and then she tells Daddy that I said yes. Sneaky monkey.

This morning we had a playdate with another set of twins (a boy/girl set) They had a blast playing at someone else's house with some other toys.

Monday November 10th, 2008

So today was another "first". Nana and I took the girls to the Royal Winter Fair and we took the train to get there. The girls loved it. I think it was even more exciting that the Fair itself. At the Fair we went to a petting farm, saw all kinds of animals (and fed them - Piper laughed herself silly when the Alpaca was eating all her pellets - Rain of course ate a pellet to see what it tasted like) We got to do puzzles and colour, see all kinds of animals, ride a fake horse and meet a giant mascot panda. I still think the highlight by far was he train ride though.

Rain is obssessed with puzzels right now. She likes to place as many puzzles as she can in front of her and then removed ALL the pieces from ALL the puzzels and then reassemble them all. They are both happy playing with a bunch of marble tracks we borrowed from the neighbours. I have to build a track for them but they love putting the marbles down the track and saying "wwwoooooah" as the marbles roll down.

We had an early Christmas Party this past weekend (Great Granny and Great Grandad go to Florida for the winter so we have a family celebration before they leave. The girls were timid at first but soon warmed up and had a ton of fun opening presents. I think Christmas this year will be insanely fun for them.

Lastly, Rain has discovered the joy of making faces. (See silly pictures below)

Wednesday November 5th, 2008

Today was a new first...we tried skating! Piper has been asking to go skating for a few weeks so today we brok out the bobskates and headed for the hockey rink. The girls had a great time. Piper did really well and had pretty good balance. Rain was all over the place...legs slipping everywhich way and laughing the entire time. She loved zooming across the ice really fast.

We also went to the duck pond again and went out to the end of the boardwalk to feed some ducks and geese. Running on the borardwalk was something new...and of course FUN!

On another note Piper has grown 3/4 of an inch since last month....growing out of most of her pants again (sigh). Rain now inherits even more pants.

Rain was talking one day about "no no" whom I finally figure out was a dog...and then figured out was really "Mojo", my cousin's big floppy puppy. For some reason Mojo popped into her head even though we haven't seen him since Thanksgiving.

Lastly Piper told me that she was so proud of me after I used the toilet one day....hahaha.