July 2008 Blog
Thursday July 31th
Back from camping trip #2! And yes we had more rain. We forgot the open fly on the back of then tent and woke up to a lot of puddles inside the tent. OOPS! However we had TONS of fun at the beach. The girls love the water. Apprently Rain also likes the mud. Check out the photos and videos.
Nothing else to blog about except for Rain's new catch phrase "Rain don't do that!" which she says anytime she throws something across the room (if she knows NOT to do that then why does she?). Piper's funniest phrase du jour is when she holds up her finger and asks "One more?" (usually in reference to some kind of food)
Piper wanted me to take a picture of her finger. Not sure why.

Some photos Piper took herself with the camera. Friends and Food.

More funny photos of Piper and Sasha
Friday July 25th
Wow...sorry for the delay in posting. It's been a tiring 2 weeks. However the big news is we finally moved the girls to their new beds. The cribs are dismantled and gone. They are doing great and making the transition with ease. Thanks to both sets of Grandparents and Auntie Mags for helping with the bed test runs over the last few weeks.
The wait for the beds was a bit of a nightmare (the delivery was supposed to be somewhere bewteen 12pm and 5pm and we ended up getting the beds at 9pm). We still have to get sheets and duvet covers (it's so hard to find 2 sets of twin sheets)
The girls have become entralled with one of our puppets and sometimes the puppet can get the girls to do things easier than mommy can. They love having conversations with the puppet and requesting food from the puppet such as muffins and slushes.
We also got to visit the waterpark at the zoo which the girls through was pretty fun!

A photo of Rain tuckered out after trashing the front room playing.

Here are some photos of the girls trying to throw their stuffed animals up into the ceiling fan.

Here are some more funny pictures of Piper and Sasha making faces.
Sunday July 13th
We're back from camping! It was our first camping trip (since the trip we took when they were only a few months old) and the girls did great. They played in the campsite while we set up the tent...then we all got to jump on the air mattresses. We went to the beach with Aunt Mags and 'Manda' and although the weather was windy and a bit chilly it didn't even faze the girls. It rained all night long and although the girls were a bit freaked out at first it didn't really intterupt their sleep. Piper was up once during the night because she was a bit scared that it was SO dark (it was pitch black at night).
On the downside, the rain didn't allow us a fire and we ended up packing up early the next morning to leave instead of heading back to the beach. We also had a air mattress malfuntion and we all ended up cuddling in one double sized mattress. On the upside, the girls had fun hanging out with Auntie Mags and Manda and going to the beach. I think they're favourite game was "Auntie Racing". A video of this will be up soon.

Monday July 8th
Not much to talk about for the month's start. The weather has been great and the girls have been great (although they are getting over another cold). We've been tripping to the zoo or the beach once a week...and checking out all the playgrounds within biking distance. The girls are great passengers in the bike trailer and it's a good workout for mom.
We're heading camping this weekend as a test to see if the girls will sleep in a tent. It should be quite an adventure! Next weeks adventure will be buying new big-girl-beds for them.
Piper has a whole new range of funny phrases now. She often comes to me when I'm conversing with another adult or am on the phone and says "Mommy, stop talking!". The other day when I came into their room after their nap Piper said "Hi Mommy, how go?" (Hi Mommy! How's It going?) Sasha's mommy is known as "Sasha's Mommy Krista" and even though tell her it's ok to call her just Krista, Piper prefers the whole title. She's also using the potty almost every morning, sometimes even twice if we're home.
We still haven't figured out what "Peegatit" means but it's something that both girls know the meaning off and find incredibly funny.
Rain has a new computer site that she loves called Starfall. We go on it and play letter games. There's another site that has short flash animated nursery rhymes that they love to watch too.
Yesterday at Nana and Opa's house Rain saw Opa's green garbage bin and started calling for Oscar. Maybe we need to lay off the Sesame Steet videos for a while. It was too cute. Speaking of sesame Street, it's replaced Blues Clues as the girls favourite show and we have bought several videos, their favourites being one that features STOMP and another where Paula Abdul is teaching muppet dance lessons. Of course they love all the alphabet and number videos too as well. I think the combination of puppets and lots of music is what makes it a hit with them. They still love their Baby Noah and Baby World Animals love.
The beauty of the summer ice cream cone.