April 2009 Blog
Thursday April 30th, 2009
Last post for the year three site! Wow I can't beleive how fast the year has gone. I htought life moved fast bfore but once you have kids it goes into overdrive. I'll be looking at this blog one day thiking it felt like just yestreday I was writing this.
The girls have some new games...Stop Go is pretty much self explanatory. One of them says GO and the other ones goes...and then STOP. They have both taken to the techno music video "I Like to Move It" that accompanies the movie "Madagascar". They love dancing to it and immitaing all the lemurs and other dancing computer animated characters.
They also have a fun game which I have posted about before. They wave their magic wands (whatever stick-like object they have on hand) and turn me and Daddy into other things. normally they turn us into monkey's or other animals...but recently Piper said "Abracadabrakazam...you're a frisbee". That took a little bit of thinking outside the box on my part.
Rain and Piper are both obsessed with some scented candles we have. They love to line them up and ask me what the fragrance is called. We only have 3 left now but one day Rain was asking me what the smell was and when I told her it was Rain forest scented nodded and told me "It was a crunchy candle". "Crunchy" is not a term one likes to hear when one's daughteris describing a candle.
Lastly...due to Daddy's small obsession with Harry Potter the girls recognize all the charaacters from the book/movies. Snape (sometimes known as Snake), Dumbeldore, Hagrid, Ron, Harry and Mermione (not Herminone)
They girls and I caught the tail end of the old 80's show The Incrdible Hulk...they thought he was a bad guy until they saw him save a woman from a fire. Then they realized he was a good guy who only looked bad. Piper likes to catagorize into girls and boys, good guys and bad guys...etc....
And of course there must be some funny pictures to add for this post...how about a few of us taking turns wearing the strawberry hat (an old prop I found at work)
The Strawberry Hat

Where is Rain hiding?

I think I'm being watched.

"Sad Man" by Piper

"Boats and a Baby" by Rain

Opa's birthday

Friday April 24th, 2009
Piper pronouced the letter "V" correctly today. Yay..she's been working on that letter. We've also a said goodbye to the nap. The girls may nap if we are in the car in the early afternoon...but other than that they wake up between 6:30 and 8:00 and go to bed around 7pm...no nap. It's been nice to have the evenings back to myself and we can go out for the whole day.
Rain has learned how to draw a sun. She always makes her sun happy too.
Things have been pretty quiet this month aside from Easter. We've been busy on weekend working on the yard/garden and doing our regular outings during the week. The girls have been enjoying going to the playgrounds and the zoo and science centre. Piper is inquisitve about the time and asks what time it is quite often. She might not understand what the actual time is but she does understand that certain things happen at certain times (like when bedtime is, or when a particular TV show is on).
With the coming of the nicer weather the streets are filled with kids. There are 5 girls on the street all within 6 months age of earch other..and then there is a pack of boys all between the ages of 5-10. So the street is pretty busy. Whne you open your backyard up to one you open it up to them all. It's chaotic but I know there will be good memories for the girls of a kid-filled childhood.
Rain was on a glider swing the other day down at Sasha's house. She started off sitting on the seat and swinging it back and forth. Then she moved up to standing on the seat. Then she climbed up and stood on the handlebars. The girl is a daredevil. She is also very taken with Sasha's older sister Lily (picture below at the red table) who comes to visit on some weekends. Rain asks about her alot. Rain has also overcome her fear of escaltors. She saw one at the Science Centre that had a clear side and you coudl see the innner workings. She hasnt' been scared on them since.
Congrats to Cousin Lori on the birth of Baby Taylor. She's adorable (and yes it makes me want to have another baby)
I can't believe the girls are almost three.
Reading or sleeping?

Sasha, Rain, Piper and Lily.

The glider swing

Monday April 13th, 2009
Happy Easter! What a fun family filled weekend. We also had some excellent weather and got some work done outside including building a big sandbox for the girls and a vegetable garden plot for Mommy. Thanks for Nana and Opa for the help with out latest projects. The sand for the sandbox and the dirt for the garden arrived. Some of the neighbourhood kids were all over to test out the new sandbox. Next up will be some renovation to the treefort.
We had Easter Egg hunts at Grandma and Grandpa's, then at Auntie Christa's and then at Nana and Opa's. We also got to see cousin Nathan and Scarlett.
A couple of funny stories to tell...I bought some silly putty (one of Mommy's favourite things) and let Piper hold it while we were driving home...I look over my shoulder and she was busy chewing. I hadn't given her any food and she's too young for gum. Yup...she was eating the silly putty (but she spit it out). My natural assumption that she would play with it...my mistake that I did not explain what it was and what it was used for.
They have a new made-up word they like to use a lot which they catually translated for me. The word is "Ida" and according to Piper it means "Go away". They use it in a context like "Ida Rain." (Go away Rain)

Baby Scarlett

Rain snapping a photo of Piper and Mommy in the morning

A photo of Daddy taken by Rain

A photo of Great Grandad taken by Rain
Tuesday April 7th, 2009
April eh? So the snow on the lawn this morning might lead me to think otherwise. Grrr. So here is a great story to match the mood. When the snow started Piper came to me to inform me that it was snowing outside. I told her Mother Nature was playing a joke on us and we should tell her to stop. So Piper went to the front room, opened the window and yelled out "Mother Nature stop the snow!" Then she told Rain to help her yell. Rain went to the window and yelled "Mary Mary stop the stone!!" Piper then tried to correct her telling her it was not "Mary Mary" but "Mother Sneature." So then they both started yelling "Mother Sneature stop the snow" out the window. Then Piper turned to me and said "Mother Sneature is not listening to us. She's too busy working on her computer." Oh that wicked Mother Sneature.
We havent done all that much this month other than try to catch up, deal with thever changing weather and hit playgrounds when it's nice out and playgyms when it's not. I still have both their winter jackets out but have alos put up the hammock, gotten out the trikes and filled the sand box. Some days it's spring and some days it's still winter.
We're looking forward to Easter. The girls remember the chocolate egg hunt from the last year.
The girls playing Doodlebops.

A photo Piper took of Rain.

Rain checking out Mom's hockey gloves at her tournament finals

Piper enjoying Mommy's hockey game...sort of.
