
June 2008 Blog

Tuesday June 24th, 2008

Today started off rainy and humid. So we went to the duck pond to see what the duck were doing. We found a toad which Piper held for a while, saw a chipmunk, some ducks, redwing blackbirds and bluejays. we then went to the Lake to throw rocks in the surf.

The afternoon brightened up and we went to the local Canada Day Weekend fair. There was a big petting zoo and all kind of inflatable jumpers and mazes. See pictures on the June photo page. Piper tried out a giant inflatable obsticle course which had a huge climbing wall and slide in it. We had french fries and snow cones and listened to some live music. Both the girls were groovin' to the tunes being played but the various bands/singers. Make sure to check out the videos of the girls dancing to the music.

Rain reading the numbers and letters on car lisence plates in a parking lot.

The duck pond.

Piper and a toad

The family at the Canada Day weekend fair.

Tuesday June 24th, 2008

Another week. Some more advances. The girls had an overnight at Auntie Mag's house and slept togther in her queen guest bed. YAY...beds are coming soon.

I forgot to mention too that Rain was presrcibed a puffer to help her with when she has a cold. Her airways are tiny and get blocked easily making her suffer through coughing fits. The puffer should help that. The Docs said she'll probably out grow it.

We have some foam letters which have become a fave playtoy of Rain's She loves her letters.

The other night the girls got into trouble by taking dirt from the house plants and putting it all over the floor, chairs, table, toys and couch. Not only did they do this once but after Mommy had cleaned it all up they did it a second time. They both knew Mommy was pretty mad. Piper tried to make things better with some kisses and sad faces telling me it was all ok mommy. She's learning her social skills early! Tonight she told Daddy that her toe was blue (she dropped a toy on it last week) and the proceeded to kiss it saying that it would make it all better. Too cute.

This week's silly picture : Rain eating 1/2 a chocolate cookie.

Piper stepping over a giant earthworm. ("Whoa...where'd that come from?")

Monday June 16th, 2008

So we had our last Development Test at the hospital. The girls passed with flying colours. Dare I say it but we were even told they were ahead of the game for their age and that we had been doing a great job. Rain got a special thumbs up for her fine motor control (I chalk it up to her tiny hands, her concentration and her love of stacking). Piper is also heavier than Rain now, weighing in at 28 pounds where Rain is only 26. Piper is 35 inches tall and Rain is only 33 inches.

In addition to the alphabet (you can request Rain's speed version which she dictates from A-Z in about 5 seconds) the girls are now learning where various animals live. They can sort which animals love in the Outback, Jungle, Farm, Water, Snow and Savannah.

Piper has started making me pretend meals with her kicthen and the other day she was crawling around the house roaring like a tiger, hunting Rain (who sat giggling her head off on the couch in anticipation of Piper's attack). She requested to wear a dress today as well...go figure!?

Some funny picture from this last week. Daddy playing Guitar Hero while the girls watched...and some jumping on the bed pictures.

Monday June 16th, 2008

Wow...I've been meaning to post in the blog for a while...a lot to catch up on.

So Rain has been a nightly visitor to our bed. She toddles in anywhere from midnight until morning...and if we put her back in the crib at some point she usually wakes up again and toddlers back in. They've been napping together in our beds. On June 8th the girls had their first full nights sleep in a bed at Nana's house. They slept in a single bed together although Opa checked in on them to find Rain sleeping on the floor. At some point I guess Rain tried to get up and go to Nana and Opa's bed but the door was closed. Thankfully they haven't figured out doorknobs yet. We will be moving them to beds sometime soon.

Anothr huge milestone has been reached too...one that other parents of twin assured me we would reach. Rain and Piper are playing toegther....finally. It was a nice Wednesday morning and we all went outside. The girls played for over and hour and half without even giving notice to me (I got a huge chucnk of gardening done in that time) It was wonderful to see them talking to each other, playing and giggling away. Watching them chase each other around in a funniest. Piper shouts "Everybody chase Piper" and then takes off. Rain starts to chase her and eventually Piper lies down so that Rain can climb on top of her...they both giggle. They also like to climb up the slide in the backyard and then slide down on top of one another.

Piper has been increasingly mothering Rain inclusing trying to put her hair in pigtails and waving her finger at Rain while saying "No Rain...stay n the crib!"

Sesame Street has becomes a DVD staple in the house and they girls pretty mcuh ave their numbers to 20 and alphabets down pat as a result.

We vroke out the whale pool too. It is big inflatable slide with a pool at the bottom that they recieved as a first Birthday gift frmo Aunt Heidi and Uncle Greg. As expected it was a hit.

We were at the zoo today (I braved taking them to the zoo alone) and I had Piper up along the glass at the Snow Leopard enclosure...one of the yonger leopards came dashing out and jumped right up against the window pawing furiously to get out...I think it though Piper wa s anew playmate...or snack?

Some fun pictures with captions.

Piper's close encounter with a snow leopard.

Somersaults off the couch (Piper) and a downwards dog (Rain)

Rain with SUPER bedhead

Family Tent shopping with Nana and Opa (We bought a huge 6-man family tent whic we can't wait to use)

Some photos Piper took herself (she loves to use the camera although her aim is sometimes a bit off)

Wednesday June 4th, 2008

Some new fun things to report on....The twins have started playing some recognizable games. Piper love playing "Got Your Nose" which progresses to Got Your Ears, Chin, Cheeks Arms and so on....

Rain started standing on my feet so I could dance with her (it's pretty hard when they each stand on one of my feet and I have to dance with them both at the same time).

Both of them started playing a kind of tag with each other. Check out the video.

Since Rain hears this one phrase so many time in any given day it's no wonder she's started repeating itself whenever she's doing anything she KNOWS is dangerous. "Be Careful Rain!" What's even funnier is that Piper has started telling her it too.

Lastly Piper got a look at her fist baby boys parts (you know the ones I mean)...she said it was his big toe.

And check out what happens when you leave two toddlers to play in the car while you unload groceries and they come across a piece of chalk (my cars so pretty). And of course...some silly playdoh-face picture of Piper.