


March Videos

Rain and Piper hula dance (Feb 2011)
The girls talking and colouring (Peter Parker aka Spiderman and Mary Jane) (Feb 2011)
School Danceathon (Feb 2011)
Blink once for yes, twice for no (Feb 2011)

February Videos

Piper on the bobsled run (Feb 2011)
Three ballerinas (Feb 2011)
Ben on the bobsled run (Feb 2011)
Bobsledding in the backyard (Feb 2011)
More bobsledding in the backyard (Feb 2011)
The final countdown (Feb 2011)
Piper's sledding scream (Feb 2011)
Torren and the book (Feb 2011)
Torren and Piper (Feb 2011)
Torren bouncing his bouncy chair (Feb 2011)
Bounce bounce baby bounce (Feb 2011)
The balloon dance (Feb 2011)
Shadow Dance (Feb 2011)
Talking and jumping (Feb 2011)
Handrella (Feb 2011)
More Handrella (Feb 2011)
Five Fingers Family (Feb 2011)
Getting exercise (Feb 2011)
Practicing boxfit (Feb 2011)
The Final Countdown (Feb 2011)
Ghostbusters (Feb 2011)
Torren Singing (Feb 2011)
Torren and Daddy (Feb 2011)
Torren the girls and 2 balloons (Feb 2011)
Torren and a balloon (Feb 2011)

January Videos

Torren's first time in the jolly jumper (Jan 2011)
Torren in the jumper (3rd time) (Jan 2011)
Torren laughing (Jan 2011)

December Videos

Visiting Santa (Dec 2010)
The Kindergarten Xmas Concert - Rain and Piper's class(Dec 2010)
The Kindergarten Xmas Concert - all classes (Dec 2010)
Piper dancing in her dress (Dec 2010)
Sledding after school (Dec 2010)
Avoiding the lava (Dec 2010)
Avoiding the lava part 2 (Dec 2010)
Kids Go Beserk (Dec 2010)
Jumping (Dec 2010)
Dancing (Dec 2010)
Julia and Piper on the plat roller coaster (Dec 2010)
Uncle Scott scaring the kids (Dec 2010)
Spinning coisins (Dec 2010)
Jamie and Torrens first playdate (Dec 2010)
Piper dancing (Dec 2010)
Rain and Emily dancing (Dec 2010)
Piper and Rain dancing (Dec 2010)
Rock Band (Dec 2010)
Rock Band 2 (Dec 2010)
Rock Band 3 (Dec 2010)
Rock Band 4 (Dec 2010)
Torren laughing (Dec 2010)
Torrn laughing more (Dec 2010)
Xmas morning (Dec 2010)
Xmas morning (Nana and Opa arrive) (Dec 2010)

November Videos

UFC kids (Nov 2010)
Torren tips over on Dad (Nov 2010)
Torren talks again (Nov 2010)
Rain dressing up ay Nana's (Nov 2010)
Piper just being cute(Nov 2010)
Patty Cake Cats (Nov 2010)
Torren talks (Nov 2010)
Sully Rain (Nov 2010)

August Videos

Spiderman Theme (August 2010)
Calendar Song (August 2010)
Yellow Submarine (August 2010)
Hallowe'en talk (August 2010)

July Videos

Piper's Story (July 2010)
Rain's Story (July 2010)

May Videos

The girls ballet recital. Butterflies (May 2010)