Sunday October 31th, 2010
Happy Hallowe'en!
Rain went as a witch (hot pink and black lace) named Spinning Hat (she liked to spin her witch hat on the end of her broom). Piper went as a princess fairy named Sparkle Rainbow. They were so excited for Halloween and got to dress up twice...once for school and once for the street party/trick or treating. Sasha's mom Krista put on an awesome Halloween party for the kids...scary looking foods like a jello brain, a bunch of fun crafts for them to do, bobbing for apples, ending with trick or treating with all their street friends. The adults had a murder game we were playing as well that was pretty fun! Daddy dressed up as Shaun of the Dead. I didn't have time to get a costume together so I just wore a wig. It was the coldest Halloween though we've had in a long time but it didnt' stop the kids from looting the streets.
Leading up to Halloween we took the kids to the Safety Village (a to-scale version of s real village that the police use to teach kids street/bike/driving safety) They had a haunted house (which the girls like even though they thought it was scary), balloon animals and a mini drive in front of a huge TV screen.
We also did a trip to the pumpkin farm with Nana. It was cold and blustery so we only stayed for a few hours. Rain came down one slide and didn't out her feet down in time. Since it had rained the night before she got a wet bum in the puddle and the bottom of the slide. They also went on the huge tube slide and on Rain's second time down all I coiuld hear was Nana shouting down the tube..."Head first head first!". I didn't get there in time to catch Rain as she shot out head first off the bottom of the slide into the dirt and mud. Their favourite thing this year was the chicken show.
Opa came out to resuce our fish from the pond before the frost and the girls had a blast helping catch them with a big net and wading around in the pond in their rainboots.
Torren is doing great. He's such a good baby. He's been gassy but has been much better sleeping at night (he gets up to feed 3 times a night but goes right back to sleep most times.) He loves to be held and is not fond of being put down. We still have no luck getting him to sleep in the crib very long but we'll keep working on it.
Torren's first mail

Rain came off the bottom of a slide and didn't get her feet down in time. PLOP!

Playing memory on Auntie Mag's cellphone

Rain's Duplo Robot

The hawk came back but was being hounded by smaller birds and didn't land.

A frog in the pond

Watching a movie at the Safety Village Drive-In

It goes round and round and round...fascinating

Hallowe'en - catching snowflakes (yes it snowed!)

Dressed for Hallowe'en

The annual Hallowe'en street party

Shaun of the dead paddles a pumpkin

Helping Opa catch the fish in the pond.

Climbing trees

Wacthing the chicken show at the pumpkin farm

Wednesday October 13th, 2010
So here's a fun conversation we had in the car a few days ago while the radio was on.
Dad "Hey girls, this song is called "Fight For Your Right To Party" by a group called the Beastie Boys."
Rain "But I don't want to fight at a party."
I don't even need know where to start explaining that one but Ben and I were killing oursleves laughing when she said it.
My favourite phrase right now is when Rain says "Wookit!"...which in Rainspeak means "Look at it" but she has difficulty with pronouncing L's and drop the "at". I just love saying Wookit now....wookit wookit wookit!
The girls had an assignment at school at Thanksgiving where they had to write what they were tahnkful for and then draw a picture of it. Rain drew a picture of her room. Piper drew a picture of her new brother....awww....cute.
Rain was curious about how the baby monitor worked and Ben explained to her about radio waves. She wanted to see the waves but we told her we can't see them. She's been somewhat pre-occupied ever since looking for the invisible waves. She keeps asking me when she will see them. Kind of like the sugar bugs the dental hygenist told them about...they think they can see them if they keep looking hard enough. D'oh!
We took the kids to the Mythic Creatures display at the Science Centre. They girls were awestruck by the unicorn...their favourite mythical creature. They also had fun making their own dragons in a computer game.
Lastly, both of the girls seem to be thinking a lot of dying...who and when we die. Piper asked me if I stopped being her Mommy when I died. Rain told me she didn't want to turn five because she'd be closer to dying. I never expected the kids so young to have such thoughts but after talking with some other moms it is apparent that it's a quite a common curiosity for this age and mine are not the only ones thinkng about it.
Torren is doing great. He doens't complain that much except when he's hungry/ He's just started cluster feeding which is kind of crazy since he wants to eat for about 3 hours straight....which is managable during the day but really sucks when he wanst to cluster feed at night (usually between the hours of 1 and 4). Hopefully it's temporary. I miss my pillow and hate my couch.
My kids.

Jumping in leaves at Thanksgiving

Cousins Nathan and Scarlett with Rain and Piper at Thanksgiving

Family photo getting ready for hockey season

Kite flying

Getting to sit in a stock car at the school fundraiser

Wednesday October 6th, 2010
Torren has been eating well and gaining his weight back. He's still so tiny but I know that will change fast. He's still a bit jaundiced but hopefully things will clear up within the week. He had a second hearing test and everything came back fine. The girls are still head over heels with him. Piper loves holding her brother and helping me out at a moments notice with anything to do with Torren. When Torren was crying in his bouncy chair today I came in and found Piper already there trying to get him to take his soother. Great Granny and Great Grandad came down to see the new baby and we got a photo of the four Georges.
We know that the previous owners trained got the bluejays accustomed to getting fed peanuts on the deck. When they showed up yesterday the girls tossed some out and sure enough within 5 minutes two bluejays showed up. Today they showed up and were looking through the window as if to say "Yo...where's our peanuts?". They'd fly down and pick one up and then crack it open by banging it on a tree branch.
The last week Piper has been telling me that she's seen a big bird in the garden. When she describes it all we get is that it's big, so I was thinking we might have a heron visiting the pond. Today while I was out ben saw thie "big" bird and snapped some photo of it. It turns out we have a visiting hawk using our pond to bathe in. Pretty cool.
Our new visitor, the hawk.

Trained peanut-eating bluejay.

Rain and her wolverine pasta claws...Snickt

Four generations of Georges

The girls with their brother. So happy!

Torren. We think he looks like Piper as a baby.
