Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
End of the month. Torren is two months old and got his first set of vaccinations. He did great. One of the needles made him yell but he was fine shortly after, even though the doc said he might be grumpy throughout the day...he wasn't. My little trooper. he is now 12 pounds and 59cm. He is up from his birth at 7 pounds and 52 cm. Good eater. He is now trying to eat his hand (or suck on his thumb I think). He drools alot now too. The best part is that he is now super smiley and loves to babble away making all kinds of sounds (none of which I have gotten on video since he always gets quiet as soon as start the video recording).
The girls had fun at an early Christmas party at Aunt Heidi's. They are SO eager for the Christmas season. They were out last weekend helping out Daddy with the Christmas lights. This weekend we're putting up the tree.
Rain has had some funny comments this week too. She told Opa that he needed to drive her and Piper to school because he was too old to walk the whole way. She also walked in to the room one day (where we were doing some work) and said "What the heck is going on!" Little ears pick up all sorts of things.
Our first snowfall.

Piper's school photo

Rain's school photo

Grandma with wait Torren.

My wee man smiling

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
So we got a new camera. Not that we needed one (seeing as how I have an awesome Digital SLR) but our last point and shoot camera died back in August and it had video capabilities (hence why we haven't posted and videos since then). So I picked out a water proof, freeze proof, shock proof one that the girls will be able to use. With Torren around and starting to baby talk and smile I didn't want to miss the moments. So you can check out the video page for the first 2 videos with the new camera. I can't wait to try the camera out in the water too...underwater pool!
Piper and Rain are great at helping with the bath. Piper fills the baby tub while I undress Torren. Then we both bathe him. Piper gets me his towel and helps me diaper and dress him while Rain empties the baby bath. Then Piper brushed his hair. She really is eager to help change his diaper too although she still needs help. It's so cute. I think they probably tell me at least once a day if not more how much they love their baby brother.
So the cold weather is coming but alas no snow yet (unlike out west). I think it'll be fun to go tobogonning this year with the girls. I want to build a ramp down the back deck into the garden and onto the pond. We might even try skaing on the pond too if we can get an even debris-free surface.
Life us pretty routine...the days go by fast getting the household up, fed and out the door for school and work...then keeping on top of housework (sort of) and then picking the kids up, feeding them again and then baths, books and bed...then boom...the day is done and we start again. Crazy times. Torren is getting WAY bigger and heavier. I tried pumping milk and he had a small bottle with no problem. I'm hoping to get enough milk saved to go see the new Harry Potter movie. He's super smiley and loves to try talking. He opens his mouth and chatters away.
Hades was sick last week and is on antibiotics for a super bad sore throat (he stopped meowing, then cleaning and then eating)
Mommy's birthday came and went. We had dinner with Nana and Opa at Boston Pizza (Rain's choice) last weekend and then on Monday our neighbour Leanne took the girls after school to make cards and then prepareed dinner for everyone. It was awesome treat. A really low-key but great birthday.
Next up...Torren gets his shots, the west coast family are coming to town, xmas is just around the corner. And I thought November was crazy...haha.
The zoo crew

Piper chaingin Torren's diaper

Torren's first bottle of breastmilk

The kids invade our bed

Friday, November 12th, 2010
Been busy...busy busy.
First off we had to put Spook down last week. She was my bed cat (snuggling under the covers with me every night), my empathic kindred sprit (she always knew when I was upset and came to cheer me up), and my jelly bellied best friend. I will miss her always. Cancerous tumors had been growing for some time and it was only a matter of time before we would lose her.
Torren has been smiling up a storm. He's gone from the newborn to the baby stage and is so much more aware of his surroundings. I've even heard him giggle once. He's putting on weight and goes for his first set shots next week. Piper is enamoured with him and will sit and entertain him for me. She also loves to help out with his bath. He's getting more into a routine (a vague one) and is doing better with his night feeds.
Ben is back at work so it's more challenging for me to get all three kids organized throughout the day and evening. But it's managable. The weather has been so nice as of late that we've been able to get a lot a play. The fresh air does us all good I think.
Spook. We will miss you.

Piper loves her baby brother

Rain's picture of a "Walking Jellyfish" complete with "stinging tenticles" and "medical hair"

Rain's portait of Mom
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010
Torren is smiling!