Monday March 28th, 2011
18 pounds and 71 cm (he's grown more than 8 inches since birth)....Torren is 6 months old. He took his last round of needles just great, with no crying on one needle and only a minute of panic on the second needle. He had no issues afterwards with fevers or moddiness. He's starting to make "mmmmmm" sounds and is now sitting up too (although he still topples over so we nest him in pillows). He loves playing his toy piano, eating baby mum mums and smiling and looking at just about everything. Yesterday while I made dinner Piper fed Torren some of his dinner. It's great having a helper and Piper loves doing anything and everything with her baby brother. She has her bath with him every night now too.
We went for a walk down the stream behind their school and I put Torren in a backpack carrier. He was great (heavy) and loved being up where he could see everything. It'll be good this summer when we go camping...we'll still be able to take the girls hiking with him in the carrier.
We also tried bowling for the first time. The girsl loved it too and Piper even got a strike. We're hoping to back again soon and play some more (I know Daddy was itching to play too but it was a kids birthday party when we went so he was only there to help).
Rain invited me to be a part of her super hero team last night. He code name is Supercat (she has the power to scratch you with long claws) and her friend Brooke is Supercoda, a dog. I was told I could be Superlizard although she didnt' know what my powers would be. The girls had me draw pictures of themselves in their super hero persona...Supercat and Marvel Rabbit.
Our nephew Jack's first tooth fell out and the girls have been loving skyping with their cousins and seeing the gummy hole where his front tooth used to be.
Rain and Piper have been drawing a ton (I have more to add to their art galleries soon) and doing crafts. They've been doing a lot of colouring too and word puzzels (like word finds and decoding puzzels)
Rain drew on her legs

A close up of her legs and feet. A nice drawing really

More fridge poetry. The girls have been doing nursery rhymes in school

The girls try bumper bowling

Daddy's birthday party

Piper can do a headstand!

Squeeeeee can sit up!

Not sure what to comment on this one.

Saturday March 12th, 2011
The girls conversation in the bath the othr night. I was eavesdropping while nursing Torren in the next room.
Rain : "Piper, do you want me to punch you in the back?"
Piper : Giggles
Rain : "Piper, do you want me to punch you in the back. I can do it you know."
Piper : Giggles
Rain : "Ok I will!"
Piper : "Rain, that didn't hurt"
Piper : "Rain, that didn't hurt"
Piper : "Wwaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"
Rain : "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry"
I stayed silent to see what would happen. After that they sorted things out on their own, made apologies and began playing again.
We went to the Science Centre's been the first week of the March break for the girls but we've been fighting colds and the trip out on Friday was the first time we'd been out all week. Rain burned out at about noon and fell asleep in my arms amongst all the chaos of the kids area. By the evening she was burning up with a fever and was barfing by morning. By noon the next day she was perfectly fine again. Crazy. Kids get sick and get bounce back so fast.
The girls completed their first swimming lessons (Sea Turtle 2) and we signed them up for the next one (Salamander). They love swim lessons and I've seen such a huge improvement in their confidence with putting their faces in, holding their breath under the water, jumping off the side of the pool and some basics of floating, glides and swimming.
Torren is starting to sit up. He loves to sit and play with toys. He tips over a lot but we block him in with pillows. The other day he tipped forward and bonked the floor mats before I could catch him. I sat him up and looked at me with total shock. "What was that!? Should I cry now? Yes...I think maybe I should. Wahhhhhhh!" He had such a delayed reaction. He recognizes his name now and will grab his feet when I tell him to get his feet. He also knows when I'm talking about his thumb. He can even suck his toes and occasionally he likes to suck on my chin. He likes to push up on his hands a lot. Then he leans forward and gets his knees up underneath him when his arms give out. He can get either his front end or back end up unto crawling position but not both at the same time. Co-ordination and strength is still needed.
Both camera's are still in the shop so no new photos. It's killing me not to have a camera.
Tuesday March 8th, 2011
Well there hasn't been too many updates as of late. It's been busy and my camera is broken and in the shop once again. So our backup camera takes lousy pictures but good videos, hence why there are so many videos listed in February. However it too broke today. Plus our internet has been our for four days....crazy.
Anyhow...we had an art show one day. Rain and Piper had been drawing lots of pictures over a couple of days and we'd bene taping them up all over the kitchen. I then thought we should hang them all on the big sliding glass doors and have an art show. So we moved them all over, made some invitations for the grandparents, set out some snacks, put on the classical music and then Rain brought the grandparents through and showed them all her art and Piper's art. It was really fun. Most of Rain's art were pictures she'd drawn of monsters. She gets me to add notes to explain which part are which. Piper drew pictures of the family and of ballerina's.
We've been writing more poetry too...and telling a lot of jokes. The girls make up a lot of jokes, not many of which make any sense but they certainly find them funny.
Torren is doing great...he's very vocal and shreiks, screams, yells, clucks, and chatters a lot. He is also very drooly. He loves his baby food and eats about 4 jars a day, in addition to nursing every 3 hours. Hungry boy. He is also very smiley and laughs a lot. We recently discovered he loves being hit with foil balloons. It makes him laugh his head off when you bop him in the face with a balloon. He smiles a lot at his Dad when he claps his hands. He can roll over and back and push himself up on his hands pretty good too. Since he's always been good at getting his knees underneath him I imagine once he get the co-ordination and balance to do both he'll be crawling. He has started grabbing anything within his reach...especially dinner plates.
Welcome to the Art Show

The gallery : Featuring Rain and Piper

Piper dressed up her brother.

The family.

A quick photo comparison of Daddy with his son and one of his daughters. You can't tell they are related at all! (DUH!)
