


Tuesday June 29, 2010

So here's the big reason why I haven't been posting as much as normal. Yes you know we are expecting another baby (we're at 28 weeks!) but that's not the reason. We've purchased a new house and are in the middle of moving and trying to get our first house sold. Let me just say that changing houses is a crazy event. We never planned on moving. We moved into our first house with the intention of staying, and if need be, building. However with our timeframe for building being moved up several years (baby #3 has no room in our 2 bedroom house) we were tryingt o figure out how to build an addition within the next two years. Then our neighbours put their house up for sale. A four bedroom house. We never planned on moving but it seemed like things lined up for us so we'd get into a bigger house, save us the hassle of a construction nightmare and get to stay in the same neighbourhood...heck, even on the same street.

So we went from thinking we'd never move, to booking to visit the house, to putting in a offer and having that offer accepted all in a period of four days. Spontaneous is not my middle name but this seemed to be the right move.

The girls are even happy about things, although at first they thought we'd have ot leave everything behind (once we expllained that all our stuff would be moving with us they calmed down) We'll be living two doors down from our good neighbours and the girls friends and about 4 doors down and across the street from our old house.

I'm typing this blog entry from our neighbours house while we have a showing at our house. It's been a pain having to declutter our house and keep everything neat for when we have showings...but hopefully our house will sell soon. We move into our new house July 8th. We will miss our current house incredibly...it makes me sad to think of leaving it, but I know that with most things, we hold onto things sentimentaly because of the memories tied to those things. We just need time in the new house to make some new special memories.

So that is why I've been lapse at blogging.

All is well with the kids. Rain's special diet seems to be working fine as she hasn't been sick and rarely cough anymore. Both girls are eagar to start school come August and meet they new sybling come September. It's been a crazy year for sure and it doesn't look like it will slow down anytime soon. we had some fun this afternoon on the patio doing a silly face photo shoot. Be sure to check out the photo's page to see the stress-released goofiness.

My wonderful insane family

Thursday June 24, 2010

Back from camping....a much needed trip away from the craziness of life. We escaped from the city to Killbear Provincial Park for 3 days with Nana. The park was awesome and had lots of beaches to play at, rocks to scramble over and animals to see. We even had a bear warning one night. We saw deer, racoons, frogs, tadpoles, chipmunks, hawks, and a snake. Rain was the first one to see the snake and ran screaming towards us...it was pretty funny. I managed to snap a photo of her running away.

The kids had a ton of fun just mucking about at the beach. They dug holes, kicked in the water, played with the mud, dammed up a river, threw rocks and sand, tried to catch some minnows, splashed about, buried themselves, built sand castles and mucked about in the weeds looking for frogs. It's amazing how little they had in the way of toys or activities but manage to instantly amuse themselves with mother nature on hand.

We had one day of rain so we went iinto town to the local library. The children's section was a huge pirate ship with shelves all the way around. We stopped and Nana read them some books while I checked my email. We grabbed a bite to eat and headed back to camp when the rain was done. Then we headed to the muddy beach to do some serious dam building, trying to divert the water run off from the hillside down to the beach. We launched little boats to watch them sail down the river and then caught them before they went into the lake.

One time at the beach Rain was determined to get a tree root up. First she tried pulling it out of the ground. Then she tried to use her shovel to saw through it and when that didn't work she started hacking at it with her shovel trying to chop through it. It was quite funny how determined she was and how many options she came up with before finally giving in.

At another point Rain was in the kitchen bin (the big tub we keep all the kitchen supplies in) when she found a yellow sponge and started amusing Piper making the sponge talk like Spongebob Squarepants.

We had a chipmunk in our site that was super friendly whom I'm sure would eat right our of our hands if we let him. He had a white stumpy tail and would dash about our site. One time he dissappeared under our tent and Ben muttered "Oh that little bugger". Kids of course hear everything. Rain followed Ben's statement with "Yeah that chipmunks a bugger."

Rocks seemed to be a big hit too. Piper likes to turn over big rocks looking for strange and interesting bugs and Rain just liked loading up her pockets with them to bring them back to camp where she had them all lined out in a display...her "rock collection" got bigger as the trip went on.

Piper was quite facnisnated by the wildlife we saw...especially the frogs and tadpoles. She spent a good 20 minutes one day trying to catch minnows in the water with her hands. She ended up getting a tiny tadpole in her bucket with daddy's help. Nana caught a frog and she got to touch it too. I;m sure she woudl have picked up the snake as well if we had let her.

It was an excellent trip and very much needed.

The frog Nana caught

Piper touching the frog

Piper looking for bugs under boulders

The stumpy tailed chippy who visited our campsite a lot

Rain trying to pull up a tree root

Rain trying to saw through a tree root with her shovel

Rain playing with "Spongebob Squarepants"

Dam builders busy at work

Rain sees a snake

Mermaids on a rock

The Orange Tigers

Thursday June 10, 2010

I'm already late in starting this months blog. It's been a busy start to the month and I'll tell you why soon....very soon.

Things are going well with Mommy and the growing baby although it still seems some people (ok..most people) do not seem to know I'm pregnant. I'm almost 6 months!! I can't imagine what they think this round belly is?

The girls had their first soccer practice/game this week. Piper was quite happy to listen to the coach and do the drills. During the game (32 kids on the field at a time - it kind of looks like a mad swarming mass of aqua and orange), Piper was able to keep up with the mob of kids although she's too polite I think to push her way through the crowd to the ball. Rain was ok during practice as long as she had a ball to kick...she wasn't so interested in doing the requested drill. At one point though she just walked off the field and away towards the playground. I had to chase after her and bring her back..she'd managed to get in one run on the slide before I caught up) Then by game time she'd had enough and came to sit on the sidelines and watch the game (which we won 1-0). The kids all got popsicles afterwards which was of course a huge hit.

The growing belly....24 weeks.

Daddy's New Bragging Claim - a perfect score on drums on expert.

Piper's playdoh scones...yummy AND colourful!

Rain's playdoh scones...yummy AND colourful!

First day at soccer

The Scuba Princess