Friday July 30, 2010
Piper has been sleepwalking. She's done it a number of time in a last few months but I've only just figured it out. She gets up and can walk fine but is unable to talk. All she does is get up and wander, usually to find me. I've also just found her sitting up in bed. When I talk to her she never replies. She sometimes chuckles a bit or whimpers. Last night she started to come down the stairs. I went to get her and she walked away into the computer room and stood in the corner. Then I took her back to bed and she sat on my lap staring at nothing in particular. Once I lay her down she went back to sleep really fast. Weird and kind of creepy. I asked her if she remembers getting up and she tells me think she sleeps through the night.
There is a another girl who moved in on the street named Riley. She's five and the girls love playing with her. So now there are six kids in the girls pack. Crazy times....they all come over and get dressed up in costumes and parade around. We all trekked off this morning to the playground together.
I've noticed that the girls really want to play with other kids now...pretty much more than do anything else. Before they'd love to go to the library or the zoo but now the lure of other kids is more powerful. It's certainly a great time for them to start school. They have a meeting with their teacher on Tuesday...then the following week they go to school twice and then they start the week after that going every day. I'm still blow away by the fact they are old enough now to attend babies are growing up!
We had fun one afternoon and made some paper boats to float in the pond. We decorated them and named them. Piper named hers the "S.S. Purple Beautiful Boat", Rain's was "S.S. Madagascar Animals", and Rain named my boat the "S.S. Centipeder". It was fun to see them floating about and the girls waded around in the water. Piper then took a cloth and started to wash all the garden animals (giving them a bath).
I'm off for another ultrasounds soon. The baby moves alot...hours at a time sometimes...but at my last Ob appointment it was measuring a couple weeks smaller than it should be at 32 off I go for another scan just to get some more accurate measurements. I'm doing ok...mostly just uncomfortable and tired. As expected. The girls can't wait to meet their new sybling. They ask all kind of questions about the baby, the doctor, how the baby eats, how the baby will get out and so on. Piper talks every night to the baby and sometimes sings to it. She liks to feel my belly when the baby is moving about, pushing or kicking.
Launching the paper boats

Piper's boat, the "S.S. Purple Beautiful Boat"

Piper giving their animal friends a bath

Chopping and making Krabby Patties

Rain eating spagetti

Spiderman vs the Hippie Witch

Sunday July 25, 2010
Chopsticks anyone? The girls have been playing a new computer game I found and one of the songs in the game is about of course one night we had to eat with chopsticks (or the kid-version ones I have). They loved it and eaten several times since then.
We celebreated Great Grandma's 85th birthday. The kids had fun playing and going the in the small pool at Grandma's house but Rain took off when the bagpiper came out to play for Great Grandma. She watched it suspiciously from the kitchen window.
The girls are also addicted to Spongebob Squarepants. They love the characters and crazy stories. They go out onto the deck with a cutting board and some spatualas and play Fry Cook (Spongebob's profession).
Piper is set to joing the Cirque Du Soleil. She figured out how to spin Rain onthe disc swing by grabbing it and running around in circles...once she has it really spinning she holds onto the rope above Rain's head and lifts her feet...they both hang on sping. It's pretty amazing to watch and reminds me of the rope acrobats at th Cirque.
We went to the playground one night after it had coooled off. The girls were sliding down the curly slide and then climbing back up. As Piper climbed up first Rain would follow and try to bite her bum. Then Piper would reach the top and start slding down wipeing Rain off her feet so that they'd both come sliding down...giggling their heads off. I think they were doing this for about half an hour. Goofy kids. Looked like fun. I love sitting and listening to them laugh like that, enjoying playing together.
We had some of the neighbourhood kids over one day to play. They all went down and dressed up in costumes. Rain ended up being a Samurai Pirate. Piper was a Princess Spider. They're combinations of costume elements is hillarious and creative.
Lastly we had a visit this morning from Wolverine and Spiderman. They rescued some garden animals, fought off Evil Dad (and imposter for their realy dad) and struck up some action poses.
Spook's first day outside the new house and she went back to the old house. Ben brough her back again.

Piper with chopsticks

Rain with chopsticks

Spongebob the Fry Cook

Spinning Disc Cirque Du Soleil Act

Sisters having fun on the slide

Spontaneous Costume Party

Wolverine and Spiderman

Spiderman scales the house

Friday July 16, 2010
The girls still love the new house. YAY! Piper has become facsinated by the bousg she finds in our backyard and has taken to collecting them in her big box. She goes and picks leaves and feeds her bugs everyday. The bird feeders in the backyard get emptied everday by the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. Some days we fill it in the morning and it's empty by mid afternoon. The chipmunk is ever so busy and comes and goes every couple of minutes all day long.
Hades has been enjoying the deck. He goes out in the morning and lies on the chair all day. Kanin is excited to go out ut we haven't let her out without supervisions. Spook stays under the bed and unfortunately is due back in surgery for another tumour on her leg. My poor bed kitty.
We spent the morning at the zoo. I had told the girls last night where we wer going this morning and Rain woke up started dancing around and then got dressed wolfed her breakfast and climbed into the car through the open window. I think she was excited to go. Once we got there we did the Kid's Zoo, the waterpark and the zoomobile. It was hot but really fun. We rocked out to some beatles Rock Band after dinner. Piper was scoring in the %70 woth singing. It was reallY cute.
Piper has fallen in love with bug hunting. She loves looking under rocks, on plants and anywhere she can find them. Then she puts them in her bug box and names them all.
The girls have also started to perform stories and songs for us. They get up on the stage (our fireplace) with the Rock Band microphone and then make up a story on the spot. After each story they then sing a song based on the story (also improve'd). It's amazing the ideas they come up with. I'll put a couple of videos I took as examples. They;ve told me dozens of stories ove the last two days...none are the same.
Rain playing her tuba

Rain rocking out to "Thunderstruck"

The girls at the zoo waterpark

Piper and her redbug "Rainbow"

Wednesday July 7, 2010
One day until we move....crazy. The girls are both excited and somewhat anxious. I've added some photos of the house in this blog posting.
The other day we were down in Sasha's pool and Rain was getting cold so she we told her to get out and warm up on the deck in the sun. After a few moments she called out to us saying "The sun's NOT WORKING!!!" We had a good laugh.
The humidity has been awful....really awful. It gets to be about 50 degress on our patio. Thanks goodness we finally got our AC fixed just in time. I think it's been affecting the girls and making everyone's temperment a bit off. All things considered though the girls have been wonderful.
Piper is very excited to meet her baby sister/brother. She talks to mt belly everyday and looks forward to helping me with the new baby. They are both excited to go to school although we haven't had much chance to discuss it with the move and all. Today we went down to the new house to go over a few last things. The couple we are buying the house from are leaving us some beautiful furniture for the dining room and bedroom. They have also left us all the garden statues that the girls love, as well as the aquarium for wintering the pond fish and their christmas tree. It is really quite generous of them.
We celebrated Canada Day with a street party. We had a BBQ at Sasha's house and then we all brought fireworks to Rebecca's afterwards. The kids had fun and were cheering with each one. The Dad's all turned into little boys when they got their hands on the fireworks.
The belly at 28 weeks

Piper's said she was hungry. Here's what she helped herself to.

Our wild rabbit friend.

Our new house....(the stuff inside is not ours though)

Rain and daddy

My beautiful princess Piper

Spiderman and Two Princesses - HUGS all around!
