


Sunday February 13, 2010

Welcome to February...I'm late in getting a post up. It's been a fun month! The snow and a little work has turned out backyard into a bobsled run. We've built two runs in the backyard, a straight run and a curved one. both come down off the back deck and end on the pond at the bottom of the yard. The curved run is really fun with ramps that you slide up an along like on a real bobsled track. The girls are out on the runs almost everyday.

Rain is never outside very long before the feast begins. She LOVES eating snow. I tell her not to but she doesn't listen. I ate a lot of snow when I was young and it didn't kill me so it's one of those battles I'm choosing not to fight with her.

The inner tubes we had for the bobsled runs all have holes in them. We've had such cold weather they all cracked in the cold when we used them. We patched and repatched the holes so that the girls can get as much use out of them as possible. Torren has been great and sits in his little sleigh and watched us all toboggan. Rain's favourite thing to do is sit on top of her Dad while he tobbogans on his stomach. She told him they were partners and being partners was "hard". Piper's favourite thing to do is to go down the runs and the collide with another tobogganer at the bottom.

Torren has been learning things so fast. He found his feet and loves to pull them up and hold on to them whenever he can. He loves being naked and rolling over. He can also now rotate around on his tummy to change direction. He is getting better at napping and sleeping in his crib at night. He still eats a lot. We've started him on baby food...sweet potato, squash, pears, avacado, and banana's. He also loves books. He loves to look at them, flip the pages, gum them and have them read to him.

We also got some helmet stickers of all the NFL football teams. Opa brought us a map of the USA and we put all the stickers on the map where the teams play from. The girls have all 32 teams memorized. Rain calls the Arizona Cardinals the AirZone Cardinals. We tried to correct her and she replied. "I know it's not right but I like my name for them better." (Airzone is a playgym we've been too)

Today we went to the public pool to swim. The girls have been taking swimming lesson and loved the chance to show us what they've been leanring. (Rain spends most of her time in the bath these days sticking her face in the water and seeing how long she can hold her breath). It was Torren's first time in a pool and he loved it! He acted like he was in the jolly jumper and pumped his legs up and down. He also started splashing with his hands. It was pretty funny to see him so entralled with the water. He also seems pretty focused with scratching. He loves to lie on his tummy and scratch whatever he is lying on. He loves the sound of his crib mattress the best...scritch scritch scritch.

I was in the TV room one day when Piper dashed in and then out again. She came in a out again and then again. I could hear Rain egging her one. I went to investigate and they were doing "exercise" and cheering each other on. Rain was weight lifting with a chair and Piper was running laps. Then they did some yoga and some boxfit. It was pretty funny. I got a couple of videos of them.

A photo Rain took. Princesses and Superheroes

A photo Piper took of Rain

I found Monk (Rain's frog) riding the plasmacar while the girls were at school (Rain had left there)

We practice our reading by writing out stories and poems with the fridge letters. The girls are getting really good at reading.

Ben being used as a toboggan by four kids (Rain, Piper, Rebecca and Sasha)

Torren pulling a Michael Jackson...eeehheee

I cuaght the girls riding the plasmacar (Rain driving, Piper riding behind) while pulling the exersaucer with Torren in it behind them.

Daddy and Piper watching the supewbowl

Rain decide we had to all dress up and re-enact the Nutcracker. Rain was the Nutcracker Prince. Piper was Clara the Ballerina and I had to be the Evil Mouse King.

NFL teams on the map

Our quinzee (somewhat melted and never really finished)

The Bobsled runs (looking from the upstairs window)