Sunday December 26th
So it's been a crazy month. But when isn't December. It's been fantastic having Jack, Julia, Jamie, Auntie Mim and Uncle Scott here visiting over the holidays. Lots of playtime for the cousins, lots of Rock Band for the adults. Spreaking of Rock Band, my nephew Jack can play drums better than either of his parents, me or anyone other that Ben (and he's only been playing for a few months - by next year he'll be blowing us all away with his drumming skills). He's fantastic! He plays bass too and although his fingers are not long enough to paly it correctly he makes ue playing overhanded and bridging two notes at a time.
Rain has been taking photos a lot. Most I don't know about until I download the photo of someone's dinner, some toys and the ceiling. Some of the surprise photos are pretty good actually.
Christmas eve and Christmas morning was fun. We had the crew from out west here and the kids all went crazy on Christmas morning after Santa had visited. They out the key out and left milk cookies and carrots and were excited when they awoke to find all the presents. If there is one thing that makes Christmas morning fun once again it's having kids around. Even Hades got into the middle of things. Rain got "Operation" from Santa and Piper got her "Snuggimal". Mommy and Daddy got Rock Band 3 (Yay!) Torren took the holidays in stride and was really good with all the noise, the kids, the parties, being passed around, napping whenever where ever....he's such a good baby.
Prior to xmas we did some toboggoning (Bogginin as Julia calls it) This the first year the kids are really in to it. The aren't scared at all,and they pull their own sleds up the hill to shoot back down again. There was a jump built on one hill which Rain and Julia wanted to go over on the inner tube. Uncle Scott had the bright idea of lying on the underside of the bump. The inner tube hit the jupm and then ran over his jacket slowing the tube and thus ejecting the girls off the tube...flying, flying whomp!
The kids went to see the play "Cinderella" with Grandma and the girls on the street, and then saw "An Evening With Frog and Toad" with Nana, Opa and the cousins. They really seem to like going to the theatre and we hpoe to be able to take them to some of the mainsteam classics someday. Rain seems to want to see the ballet "The Nutcracker" and "Sleeping Beauty".
Torren has been making progress with his sight and movement. He in keen on sucking on his hands and occasionally finds his thumb. He is making all kinds of facial expressions (our fave is the "Big eyes"). He now looks around to find the source of a particular sound and also seems to like watching hockey on TV. His sounds are the best...he makes gurgles and coos, screeches, giggles, chuckles and more. One day I was having tea with some friends and he'd just fallen asleep while nursing...he let out the funniest deep sounding chuckle.
My new nephew Jamie is quite a cutie too. He is really fascinated with Torren. He tried to steal a soothie from him, take his eyes out and snack on his head. They love to stare at each other...just trying to figure each other out.
Rain, Piper, Jack and Julia have been playing a lot they last few weeks and they play so well...very little fighting...lots of laughter. They are all slowly burning out I think. It'd been busy and the girls have been having naps again or taking time out from play to have quite time in their bedroom or on the computer alone. Things will be back to normal soon I know...but for now it's awesome to spend as much time as we can with the family.
We took the kids all to the Science Centre (Rain vanished on us several times causing a panic) and last night we took them all to the Trail of Lights. We have a couple more days of mania (Ben is working New Years eve and day - so we're staying home instead of doing anything) before the cousins are leaving.
The pond out back is frozen over and we go out and slide around on it. We're also waiting for more snow to try tobogoning off the deck...we have boards set up...we just need the snow.
The cousins all together

The kids on Christmas morning

Piper and Jack playing Rock Band

Opa tried to climb into the snow tube



My adorable new nephew (the girls new cousin) Jamie

Rain's self photo

Family self photo

Torren's static hair

Torren finds his thumb

The girls get to have a sleepover with their cousins.

Santa has visited!

Monday December 13th
Rain's playdo cupcake

Piper spells her name in playdo

Tuesday December 7th
Yay snow is here! The girls were out in the snow yesterday. We even did some toboggoning after school. Yahoo! Both of them were SO ready for bed last night after being outside so much.
We went to the Santa Claus Parade this past weekend with Rebecca and Liam and Taylor. It was cold and very long but we stuck it out to see Santa and Mrs Claus on a flat bed truck. We also put u our christams that was left to us by the previous owners...a nice 7 foot pre-lit tree. It looks awesome in the front bay window. All in all a good start to the Christmas season!
Be sure to check out the video pages for some hilarious videos of the girls!
First snowfall

A photo Rain took of us at dinnertime. Pretty good!

Waiting for Santa at the parade

This smiling thing is confusing sometimes

Our xmas tree
