


Wednesday August 31st, 2010

Another month has come and gone. The girles have been loving going to school and the new baby is growing fast! Three more weeks til due date. We've been out riding most nights when the weather has allowed (it's been humid all week). The girls heading out camping with Nana and Opa and are looking forward to going to the theatre in a week to see Pinkalicious. Grandma and Grandpa are off trvelling in Europe but are back soon. The summer is wrapping up quickly. Here's hoping to a wonderful fun. Princess on the swing

Taking the girl pack for a ride

Wednesday August 22nd, 2010

Happy birthday Auntie Mags! We helped Auntie Mags celebrate her birthday last Friday. It was a treat to have ice cream cake for dessert!

This past week we had a couple of really fun outings. First we went to the Royal Botanical Gardens with Nana and Opa. It was beautiful and the girls had fun looking for bugs, running through the gardens and grounds and having a nice snack by a wishing well.

Then we had our Soccer BBQ to end the girls first soccer season. There was food, face painting, air brushing, music, a playground and a magic show. The magic show was a huge hit. Instead of pulling rabbits out of the hat or doing card tricks he out a sword through a girls neck and then put our neighbour Ron into a guillotine. I thought the kids would be kind of scared but they thought it was great! I was in line with Rain for her to get an air brushed tattoo and I took an apple sticker I had on my hand and put it on her. I said "Rain..you're a Gala Apple." She then turned, took the sticker, put it on the arm of them man behind us (who was waiting with his daughter) and told him what I had told her. They had lots of fun.

This past week was the girls first full week of school too. They love it. Everyday they get their backpacks and we walk them to kindergarten. They take a snack and go from 12:25 to 3:15. When we pick them up Rain always says "Mommy I'm SO happy you came back to get us!". Despite that, they both seem to really like it and can't wait to go the next day.

Happy Birthday Auntie Mags

Neighbour Ron getting his head chopped at a magic show (the all the kids delight)

The alien princess (by Rain)

The girls first trophies!

Painted pine cones. We painted a bunch of pine cones that we found, sealed them and then hung them up all over the garden. The look amazing!

Daredevil Rain

Daredevil Rain #2

Climbing the Daddy Mountain (we read a book about a little girl who climbs up the Daddy Mountain(so of course the girls had to try it out)

Opa and Piper at the RBG

Rain climbs a tree

Bicycle race (go Daddy!)


Wednesday August 11th, 2010

So I'm late in getting a post up. The belly is growing quick. Baby Canada is right on track for growth. The girls are so excited and can't waitfor the baby to arrive. Rain is a bit worried about me. She thinks a lot and hopes I won't be so tired once the baby is out. She's also quite concerned about the cats dying.

The girls have been listening to a classical CD I mixed for them. Rain knows what each track is and where she knows it from (either Little Einsteins or Fantasia). Speaking of Fantasia, we watched it again the other day and they wanted me to give them a running commentary on the number about the big bang, evolution of the earth and extintion of the dinosaurs....pretty difficult stuff to explain to a 4 year old.

Sasha got a new kitten and named it Vanessa. The girls love to go down and play with Vanessa...Piper has asked me to get her a kitten next year for her birthday. I'd say ok except with are dealing with Spooky's leg tumours right now I don't want to commit to anything. My poor Spook.

This month the biggest news wasa that the girls had their first day of school! They attend a modified school year (so they will be going from August to July wth more breaks thoughout the year). They met their new teacher one on one last week and this week they went to school two days. Next week they start going every day. So far they seem to like it alot. Three hours in the afternoons...it will be nice to have that time when the new baby arrives. Right now I'm trying to use the time to get things done (or grab a nap).

Piper hasn't been sleepwalking this month yet. Rain however has been a nightly visitor to our bed. She just loves to snuggle in. Last night I woke up with her beside me...on about 6 inches of bed. She's just appears and crawls in.

I know I meant to blog more but forgot to write my thoughts down this week. And my baby brain is affecting my memory for the time being. Here's some photos as usual. 32 week belly

Vanessa - Sasha's new kitten (whom the girls love)

Meeting the new teacher at school

Shucking corn with Dad

I'm Daddy heading to work (she's wearing Daddy's best dress shirt and Mommy's bra tank)

Rain on the phone to Nana

First Day of school!

Two kids, one pair of Thai Fisherman pants