This page is devoted to some of the fun digital artwork I've been doing using photos of the girls. Most of these are created using Photoshop and Illustrator.
Gothic Piper
This is an image made form compositing several photos and elements to created a gothic fantasy scene with a Piper Raven in the forefront.
"Attack of the Giant Lizard" Retro Movie Poster
I had a couple of photos of the kids running and screaming and I just had to make an old B-movie poster. Again it is a composite of several photographic elements. I tried to mute the colours and use sepia tones as well as trying to make it look like an old crinkled poster.
Wonderland Birthday
This is a modified version of the invitation I created for the girls forth birthday party (I deleted the party info for privacy reasons). It was using a background I had previously painted (you might remeber it from the fairy picture I did of the girls in year 4) and then adding in some new pictures of the girls, Hades our cat and a couple of other drawn elements.