March 2010 Blog
Sunday March 21, 2010
I've been slacking. This is the only blog posting of the month and the month is almost done. There is not much to recap. I've been tired. The winter has been going on too long. The girls are itching to go outside.
The best part of the month so far is the number of birthday parties we've been to. Starting off the month was Daddy's birthday. Daddy was still out in vancouver for his birthday but we celebrated when he got home. The girls painted a big poster for him that said "Welcome Home Daddy, Happy Birthday". We had cake and the girls picked out some foil balloons for him as well.
We recieved some things from the girls friend Mackenize (she's ten) who had outgrown some of her toys and things. One of the coolest things was a skateboard and a giant tent. Check out the photos below for some pictures of both. Piper knew immediately how to use the skateboard and is quite good on it.
We had a party at Grandma's house to celebrate all the birthdays in March in the family (Grandpa's, Great Grandpa's, Uncle Greg and Daddy) and then the next day we had Cousin Nathan's 4th birthday in the morning at a playgym and then a second party at dinner time for twin freind's Kail and Vayga 4th birthday. It was a birthday weekend for sure. The week following was March break and we had awesomely warm weather so we just headed to the playgrounds mostly and stayed away from any venues likes the zoo which were swamped with kids. Today we had yet another 4th birthday party to attend for our neighbour Emily. It was held at a chocolate shop and the kids all got to make chocolate treats. They had a ton of fun!
Beyond the plethora of birthday's it's been a quiet simple month. The girl shave been pretty content playing at home or going to the park. We'll see what next month brings.
Wednesday March 31, 2010
Two posts for one month. Sad I know. Lots has happened....just been too tired to blog about it.
Rain, the girls who never forgets anything, gave me a laugh the other night. I told her she had a memory like an elephant and she replied that she had a memory like a spiderman. She has a Spiderman Memory game...and was totally on a different page than I was.
The days have been getting warmer. We headed to the zoo this week and have started playing in the backyard again. Daddy hung the disc swing up higher so the girls can really swoop down on it.
We had a visit from Liam today and he and the girls emptied the entire pond (which Daddy had just filled up earlier that day) into a big muddy mess in the garden. Muddy but very very very fun.
Some fun photos from the month's end.
Piper's Playdohbirthday cake.


Piper away! Rain waiting her turn.

Pond mucking
