April 2010 Blog
Wednesday April 28, 2010
The kids have been loving having their cousins here. When we get together the kids all shout and give each othr hugs. It's really cute. We had the kids out at our place on Sunday to give Nana and Opa a break. Then we went to Boston Pizza for Opa's birthday (Rain's idea). Eating out with 4 kids is certainly a speedy affair. We were at the Science Centre on Monday and then I had them all back out at our place for the afternoon. They played so well together I got an hour and a half of weeding done while they amused each other running around the yard in some fantasy game they invented, played in the sandbox making elephant/sand soup, and being on the swings. Julia even learned how to pump the swing herself!
I've been lapse at writing down the mant funny things the kids have been saying and doing. Needless to say they are all funny and surprise me with their comments. I did get some videos them this week which shows the odd chaos and converstations they have (they were eating lunch one day and everytime Jack said "salami" they'd all break out into gales of laughter.)
Some photos of the looney kids.
Doctor's Rain and Piper giving Patient Julia a checkup.

Dinner at Boston Pizza

Cousins Competition at the air hockey table

Rocking at the beach

Monday April 19, 2010
What a busy weekend. The kids got to attend their first wedding...Auntie Mags and Auntie Manda's wedding was this past Saturday night. Rain and Piper got to walk their aunts down the aisle while Julia was the flower girl and Jack the ring boy. They all did quite well. Rain faded though and had a resurrgence of the bad cold she's had off and on all week. She got feverish and pretty much slept on the couch outside the washroom in Nana or Mommy's arms for a few hours. She came around once the dancing started. Nana and Opa ended up taking them all home around 10pm so that Mommy and Daddy could stay for the dance (Thanks Nana and Opa!). We had a great time. Daddy had some sleeping in the next morning while the rest of us took the kids to the park.
Last week when the kids arrived it turned into a scream-fest with all four kids running around yelling and screaming with excitement. They cousins were happy to be together. We borke out the marble track which seemed to amuse Jack for hours. They kids dressed up in costumes, danced about the house, tried on their weddding atire and had as big bike race in our driveway. At the end of the race we awarded the kids each a ribbon for their pariticpation in the race. They loved it!
Of course some photos to illustrate the last two weeks.
Opa's repair shop along side the bike roads.

The kids in their wedding finery

Marble track madness

At the wedding

Rain writing her name backwards on the driveway (how'd she do that?)

Thursday April 9, 2010
It's snowing today. Nothing major but it's definately snow. Crazy.
Easter is finished. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of cousins Jack and Julia for a thrre week visit, as well as Auntie Mags and Manda's wedding. Rain has a beautiful black dress and Piper a beautiful white one. They are super happy to have such fancy dresses....such girls!
Rain the other day was talking about all the rain we've been getting all week and suddenly it occured ot her.."Mom...I'm a weather!"
Piper has become increasingly interested in the signs along the roads, particularily the speed signs. Since she can count to 100 she recognizes the difference in the speed signs and after a quick explanation by mom as to why some times we can go fast (like on highways) and sometimes we have to go slower (like on residential streets) she has become the youngest back seat driver. Since she can see the speedometer from her seat in the back of the Civic she tells us when we are going to fast and need to slow down.
We had three Easter Egg hunst over the long weekend. One at Grandma and Grandpa's, one at home and one at Nana and Opa's. We have chocolate eggs coming out our ears. The Easter Bunny was a busy rabbit this year. The certainly had a blast and got to see lots of family.
Piper has started teasing Rain. The other day when Rain was looking for all her stuffed puppies (the ones she sleeps with) Piper told her she put them in the over. Rain broke out into tears and wasn't happy until we found the mislaid puppies. Piper got a talking to from Mom.
Rain chatting with Auntie Mags (a sign of teenage years to come?)

Checking out the Easter Egg haul

Daddy, Rain and an Olympic torch

Nathan and Piper with Opa's garden train

Rain sleeping in a nest of puppies
