


Some art inspired by the kids and family.

I love taking photos. I love warping photos. I figure it's time i had a page where I could add those photos to the site.

This was a poster I made inspried by the art fo the Beatles Movie Yellow Submarine. I wanted to make a poster but have the girls starring in their own adventure. I had fun drawing all the elemnents from the movie and drawing the girls as they might have looked if they were a part of this film.

Yellow Sub

This was a comic I made from a photo I took of Rain and her boyfriend William both in their super costumes. She looked so unimpressed it made me laugh and so I wrote this comic around it. The kids are the only elements from the original photo...the rest is created from other photos.


Rain the fairy. - photoshop


My famliy crest - made at family art day November 2011. Cats, hockey and a five-armed Screaming Octopus (inspired by Rain) each arm representing one of the family. (see the girls crest in the November Blog or on Rain and Piper's art page.) The crest is made from iron on fabrics.


My print - made at Family Art Day January 2012 (see the girls prints on the January blog or on Rain and Piper's art page. The print is made from a paperplate and various cardboard. It is then inked and rolled onto construction paper.


