


Thursday June 30th, 2011

Rain is mixing up words again. At the end of school she thought the SK kids were "congraduating". It's a mixture of congratulation and graduation. Funny. She can't wait to congraduate next year. The year went by pretty quick. We have one month off and then they start up again in senior kindergarten.

Torren is climbing stairs now. Up go the baby gates. He just up and climbed then one day. He's such a bull too. He loves to use his head to head butt things. He plays his baby piano with his head. He tried to knock Cody over with his head (another baby his age), he goes after Ivy and Sarah, two other babies who are walking now. he crawls over to them and head butts them knocking them over. He especially likes to head butt Hades. He follows him around and bonk bonk bonk...Hades is super tolerant so far.

We started painting the kids bedrooms....olive green for Torren and sky blue for the twins. It will be a huge improvement over the dusty rose colour that was a bit dull for a kids room.

The tadpoles have turned into toads. They are so tiny. Piper found one and when I asked her if she thought it was a bug when she first saw it she said "No, I though it was a wood chip."

Some fun photos for the last of the month

Piper figured out she can make an "8" with her fingers.

Spider nest on our chair arm.

Zipping Rain into a pack and play cover.

Last day of school with Mrs. Reid.

Torren and Cody (he's 2 weeks older and his sister is in Piper's class and is also named Piper.) Torren is pbsessed with trying to knock Cody over.

The girls help paint their room. Rain painted a picture of her and a tree. Piper got to try using the roller.

The girls at the North Bendale Community 50th anniversary. The girls got their face painted, saw some jugglers, a reptile truck and got to eat all sorts of things.

Torren gets his toy drill to help Opa install the baby gate

Watching daddy's hockey game. During the game, Rain managed to get her leg trapped in one of the folding arena seats and Piper wiped out while running and bounced her face off the back of a seat scraping her chin. That plus a couple of pee breaks and I didn't see much of the game.

Rain is stuck in a folding seat at the hockey arena.

Torren and a cat toy.

The castle playground at High Park.

Father's Day breakfast in bed. The girls made toast and PB for Daddy.

Sunday June 12th, 2011

Torren makes a great puppy dog. He crawls around on the floor with his soother teether in his mouth. He loves to go under the kitchen table. He begs for food when he sees me eating, giving me those big puppy dog eyes while tugging on my pant leg. One night ate dinner Rain dropped some of her Quesadilla on the floor and Torren crawled over to it in a seconds flat and grabbed it before I could. I've never seen him move that fast.

He has also figured out how to whistle a little bit and he loves to turn his tongue sideways in his mouth. Probably his favorite thing to do it spit....he love to do this when he has food in his mouth of course. Tbbbbbttttt! I can't tell you how many of MY shirts I've needed to change after feeding him. Flying sweet potato everywhere.

Torren was crawling around on the floor one day while I was doing dishes. I noticed he was going slowly but surely around the whole room. Then I noticed why...he was following an ant. Too cute.

He loves wooden spoons. However here is a genetic tidbit that has come out. You'd expect a baby to take a wooden spoon and maybe bang it on the highchair table....Torren prefers to use his wooden spoon to wrist shot cheerios and peas off his highchair table.

Torren also had a small accident. He cut his finger when a can fell on it....it was bleeding quite a bit so I put a small bandaid on it. By the time I got to school the bandaid was gone. I hope he didn't eat it.

Piper has figured out how to whistle. She can make a couple of different sounds but only when inhaling. She can't whistle when she exhales. Torren also makes whistling noises...not very loud and mostly accidental I think...but a whistle nonetheless.

The girls have reached the age when certain words brings endless laughter. "Poo" being one of them. Ryming words with poo, saying poo, spelling poo. It's very age five I guess. Speaking of poo, Torren had his first diaper blowout or "poosplosion" as we call it. It was on the way home from Grandma and Grandpas. We're in Nana and Opa's brand new car and Torren's brand new carseat, about 30 minutes from home when Piper says.."Mom, Torren has poo on his hand.". We pull over....poo everywhere...seat...hands...legs. Nice. I get Torren out of his seat. Ben starts to change his diaper and get his onesie off. I start cleaning the seat...of course when I check the diaper bag we have no diapers...or a change of clothes, other than some pants. So after using a million wipes we get him back into pants (no diaper), we drive home (of course he pees sometime on the way home so the seat is now stinky AND wet). I guess since he doesn't do that often then he's gotta at least do it in style.

Rain is getting married. She has chosen a classmate...William. He is sweet on her and picks her dandilions and calls her "darling". he also thinks he's superman...not a super man...THE superman. Rain has decided that they will marry on January 1st (not this January but one when she is an adult she says). They are having boy/girl twins named Sarah and Thomas who will attend the wedding as the flower girl and the ringmaster (I'm assuming she means ring bearer or else this will be one crazy wedding). She has become addicted to superman everything (clothes, toys, comics etc...). It's very cute.

The weather has been crazy....38 and humid one day, 12 and cold and windy the next. It's all over the place. We went swimming at the neighbours house one evening and could hear thunder but see nothing until this HUGE black cloud crested overtop the backyard tree....2 minute later the sky opened up. We went on one of the sunny days to Coburg beach...it was sunny but really windy so we didn't stay too long. It was fun though just to play in the sand.

We had a special invitation to visit a firehall and get a private tour by one of the firemen (courtesy of one of the girls classmates moms who had an in with the fire crew). We got to sit in the truck, see all their tools on board, learn all about what they do, see the firehall, try on some firemen gear and learn how the firemen respond to a call. It was AWESOME! I had more fun than the kids I think. I can't believe how much they cram on one truck.

Sitting inside a firetruck.

Brooke, Rain, Eric and Piper getting a private tour of firehall no. 2.

Making fruit kabobs.

Rain throwing rocks

Torren the puppy playing with newspaper

Piper gets eated by a Kraken at the beach

Piper sharing her sno cone with her brother