Tuesday February 14, 2012
So Torren is a little monster. He has developed a new love of hitting (with and without items in his hand), biting, and banging his head on things. Today he learned the art of crushing cheerios with his shoes as well as smushing a cupcake underneath a carpet. He enjoys tossing things down the stairs just ot hear them go bouncing down the stairs. He has also loves giving kisses, hugs, flying body tackles, zerberts. In one moment he can dump a full bottle of water on the floor in front on purpose making me sngry, and then can sneak up on me when I'm mopping it up and give me a zerbert on my neck and make me laugh. He's a character.
He is sleeping much better now. He naps once a day in the afternoon and sleep most nights on his own. He still eats anything although he rarely eats if you actually serve him his own food. I've taken to just serving myself and the girls at dinner and he coasts in and takes what he wants off our plates. We were watching TV the other day and he came into the room, put up a fuss, led me to the kitchen, pointed at his sippy, grabbeed the fridge handle and started trying to tear the door off while shouting "EMPTY!". Apparently he wanted more juice. He may not have a lot of words but he gets him message across. He understands a lot though and you can ask him to do all sorts of things. He also is developing quite the stubborn streak...he wants to feed himself, he wants to dress himself. He loves shoes. He goes and get his shoes and brings them to us. He brings us our shoes too. He puts on our shoes.
Torren loves to help with chores too. His favourites are laundry and emptying the dishwasher. He hands each dish to you to put away in the cupboard, or each item in the wash to put into the dryer. It's very cute....slow, but cute. He's also dedcided to try walking to school when we take the girls. He freaks when I put him in the stroller....he really wants to walk the whole way. He makes sure to wave to the girls when they go in to school. Then we head home and he has his nap, wakes up and is pumped to go get the again, waving to htem as they come out from their classroom door. It's funny because on weekend, even though the girls are home Torren still wakes up from his nap and thinks he has to get dressed to go outside so we can go pick up the girls. It's just so routine.
Speaking of Rain and Piper, they have started their gymnastics classes. They train in a converted airplane hangar and use all the same equipment that the competative gymnasts use. They LOVE it. Tuesdays can't come fast enough in the week for them. Today they were flipping over and dropping off the uneven bars, walking backwards on the balance beam and jumping off into the cheese pits. Torren and I watch from above in the viewing room (well I try and watch while keeping Torren out of trouble). They get to see the other older gymnasts doing their routines as well which is amazing.
We have had little snow this winter which is a total bummer. On the one day last week when we did get snow we went to the P.A.R.K to go tobogganing. It turned into a snowball fight at th ebottom of one of the hills. I was chucking one snowball at Rain and she ducks at the last second right into the snowballs path...paf....right in the face. Oops. The on the way home we were pulling the sleds and the girls kept trying to jump on them....we'd pull them at the last second out from under them as they leaped on. However Piper made a grand leap through the air ot dive onto the tube just as I kicked it out from underneath...paf....face first into the snow. Oops.
Today at the zoo it was super busy, being Family Day and all. So we went to an area that most people do not visit. Piper wanted to go back and then the converstaion got funny from there on....
Me : "No lets stay where there's no people"
Piper: (silently looking around)...."Mommy where ARE the snow people?"
Me: "Snow people?"
Piper: "You said you wanted to stay where there's Snow People."
Me: "No...NO people...not SNOW people."
Valentine's Day came and went with the girls making lots of cards for theie classmates and getting lots in return. They love making cards and they make them for every occasion. I had a stomach ache last week and they made me "Get Well" lying on the couch or in bed with the puke bucket next to me and a get well cake with candles. Funny.
Piper's Get Well Card.

Rain's Get Well Card.

After school dress-up party and dance.

Our freezer filled up with water, froze and made the largest ice cube ever. The centre was not forzen so we could see bubbles inside, like a big fish tank made of ice. They smashed a hole in the top an dadded rocks and sticks and things to the fish tank...then we dyed the water blue.

Torren walking on a muddy path alongside the creek.

Rain set up her barbie and pets.

Torren on his ATV (a toy loan from a friend).

Rain was spinning so fast first her hat flew off and then both her boots.

Three kids in a broom closet.

Helping with the laundry.

Our stain glass windows (melted crayon shavings on wax paper).

We added some tissue paper pom poms to the girls bedroom ceiling.

The tissue paper pom pom look nice hanging down over the gils beds.

Torren got the block of cheese when I had my back turned.

Torren eating blueberries while balancing on the back of the chair.
