
Twin Blog : September 2007

Monday September 24, 2007

Rain fell today and smacked her face on the wooden swing giving her a nasty bloody lip that looked way worse than it was. She was pretty upset for a while. However like most thing some snacks and a video took her mind off things.

Some updates...Rain can now say "Piper"!

One of our favourite games right now is playing "Mommy Down" which consist of me shouting that as I lie down on the ground. Then I basically get climbed and bounced on by both girls. Sometimes though when I shout "Baby Down" they lie down and I can semi-lie down on top of them. Baby Smush Sandwhich!

I just wanted to post up a few pictures that make me smile. Are they cute or what!?

Saturday September 22, 2007

Nana and Mom hit the DRPOMBA sale today and found some neat toys and cothing...as well as two pairs of bobsled skates for the girls! We'll be teaching them ice basics this winter on Uncle Doug and Aunt Cheryls pond...we can't wait.

Be sure to check out the new contest too.

Here's another goofy photo that certainly needs a caption but at the moment I'm lacking any imagination to think of one.

Friday September 21, 2007

So I'm trying to keep posting more often.

Dad's working a new shift at work these days...and Mom's off to hockey tonight! Wooohooo! While the girls have not been going to as many cool places this week as they did last week we've still been having fun...as the following photos will tell.

These boots were made for walking...

Mommy can I come in now?

Training for the Olympic Shuffleboard team

Piper's new way of eating cheerio's

Saturday September 15, 2007

Today we went to the towns Heritage Day festival. The highlight for the girls was the petting zoo. At first they were a bit scared of the animals but quickly overcame their fear. Piper was intent on climbing up and into the pens while Rain tried her best to suck off and disappear into the crowd (Thanksfully Opa was right on her trail). you can see pictures in the september photos page

And of course...some photo highlights with captions.

An intro to the sandbox (NOT in the MOUTH!)

Hades feeding them dinner one night.

Sister Goofy and Sister Cool

Poking a stick down a skunk hole. Nice.

Heritage Day petting zoo (but not an evil petting zoo)

Tuesday September 11, 2007

Welcome to Fall!

Today's shopping trip included a stop at the used kids clothing store to get rain boots for the girls. We also found a HUGE bag of balls. Weee...ball pit!

Piper loves to eat raspberries right from the bush (although she doesn't care if they are red). She brings me the frisbee when she wants me to pick her some (I used the frisbee to collect raspberries the first time for her and now she seems to think it's a raspberry bowl of sorts)

I thought'd I start this months blog off with some memorable pictures from the first week.

Grocery shopping in the super car cart. (and I thought our double stroller was unweildly)

Holding hands in the car (which results in a stream of giggling)

Piper's raspberry obsession. (and no she doesn't care if they are ripe or not)

I think this photos should be used for one of those corporate motivational posters about co-operation or sharing.