
Twin Blog : October 2007

Wednesday October 31, 2007

Happy Hallowe'en!

This year we decided the girls were old enough to dress up but we did a tour of the neighbourhood this morning instead of at night (Daddy was working). I can't say I've ever seen a cuter little angel and devil (although I'm probably biased). Be sure to check out all our Hallowe'en Photos!

We had an early chistmas party since Daddy's grandparents head south soon. Piper was a total party animal. She loved the attention and all the food. Rain did great too (although she occasionally needed a bit of quiet time). Photoss can bee seen among the October Photos. Below is a picture of the Great grandparents and all their great grandchildren.

Thursday October 25, 2007

We've having a bit of a rough spell with the girls. They seem to be less tolerant of each others presence as of late and it's causing a bit of pushing and shoving. Rain seems especially sensitive to Piper's behaviour and has been upset more often. This might also be due to more teeth that might be on the way. With the mild weather we're still getting out to play a lot and Piper has taken to kicking piles of leaves. They are both capable of moving items and climbing on top of them to see up on higher surfaces (such as in the picture below of Piper watching her milk heat up).

The wet weather does not stop our outings either. We'll see how they like the snow once winter hits.

Saturday October 20, 2007

Home again. We had a great flight home. The girls were fantastic and we lucked out again and got seats for them without having to pay for them. I think the girls are happy to be home with their toys, familiar beds and big backyard. Below are a couple of plane and de-planing photos.

Wednesday October 14, 2007

We're getting ready to come home (Mommy misses her cats)...

The kids are starting to feel a bit of cabin fever. Jack and Piper are playing one moment and trying to push or hit each other the next. Rain usually avoids both of them. It's been a crazy few days. We've been to the pool, a play centre at the mall, and we've taken a bunch of walks. Our trip to Banff was cancelled due to lack of sleep. We've had a great time but it's time to come home...it should be a fun reunion for Jack and the girls at Christmas.

Sunday October 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Jack!

To see all the photos added check out the Calgary Photos Page.

We went to the zoo today! Zoo Zoo Zoo! It was busy and the highlights for the girls were not the animals, but climbing on the fence and throwing leaves on Daddy. Jack had a fun day opening his presents and then trying to wrestle his new toys away from Piper. I wish I could put some videos up but I won't be able to until we get back home.

We've been playing outside a lot too since the weathers been so nice. Our favourite new catch phrases from the kids are ...

Jack "Buddies ON ya?" (which he says when he wants us to put a "Curious Buddies" Video on.)

Piper "Piiie!" (we haven't had any pie but she still seems to like saying it and we like hearing it because it's so funny how she says it)

Rain "Apa!" (which she sees whenever she see a plane fly overhead - there are lots since Uncle Scott lives near the airport)

Lastly all three of them love saying and doing the hand motions for "TOUCHDOWN!"

Friday October 12, 2007

Back from the mountains!

To see all the photos added check out the Calgary Photos Page.

So we went on an adventure up to Jaspar and back. On the way up we stopped at Lake Louise and the Columbia Ice Fields. We stayed in a cabin that at one point was surrounded by Elk. We stopped at the Athabasca Falls on the way down and again at Lake Louise to give the kids lunch. The girls we're pretty good in the car.

We've discoved Piper's love of pine cones (she was collecting them whenever she could) and Rain's odd love of lying down on the ground for no apparent reason other than it's fun to lie down.

We saw a Mama bear and three cubs crossing the road and Daddy almost got accosted by a huge raven wanting some snacks.

Tuesday October 9, 2007

We're in Calgary!

To see all the photos up so far check out the Calgary Photos Page.

We left yesterday on a 7am flight....lucky for us they alllowed the girls to fly standby so we had them in their car seats strapped into the airplane seat as opposed to sitting on our laps the entire flight. This was a lifesaver. I had been dreading the thought of trying to get them to sit on our laps for 4 hours. They are quite happy to sit in their car seats though...so it worked out great. Now all we have to worry about is the plane trip home. We've thought about forking up the bucks to buy the seats on the way back. It might be worth it.

Since yesterday was a long day we pretty much stayed in and played in the house. We did go out for one walk around the neighbourhood and to a playground. The girls adjusted quite easily to the time zone change going to bed at 6:45 last night Calgary time and sleeping until 7am this morning despite the time zone change.

Below is a cute picture of the kids this morning and baby Julia.

Saturday October 6, 2007

We've been wacky the last few days. We tried on some silly Frankenstein boots at a local party store (Hallowe'en' a coming!) and Rain's discovering how to bend her spine backwards to look at things upsidedown while sitting in a shopping cart. I guess groceries look better upsidedown.

Of course she's shown Piper how to bend her spine as well....the looks we get from the other shoppers is pretty funny...unfortunately I'd need a hidden camera to catch and post those photos here.

We've also had an outing to the Lake where we spent some time throwing rocks into the water. This is one of those things I think transcends age. They like it now...I'm sure they'll still like it later. I know I do. KerSPLOOOSH! The Lake photos can be seen in the October Photos page.

Tuesday October 2, 2007

Welcome to October!

Short sleeves or long sleeves....that is the question. From day to day we're all wearing two different wardrobes.

Dady ran the "Run For A Cure" last Sunday and Mommy started back into hockey and aerobics hoping to get back into shape.

Rain and Piper are learning to walk in rain boots. Hopefully we'll get in some good practice before we have to switch to snowboots.

Here are the kids this morning and a cute photo of Baby Julia.