Twin Blog : November 2007
Saturday November 24th, 2007
Wow. So I've been updating the photos and videos but haven't been to the blog in a while. Therea a lot to tell. The girls are learning all kinds of games. We've taught them how to race. When you say "READY" they line up...then "GET SET" and "GO" then they run. They also play "Ring Around The Rosie".
Both Rain and Piper like to help around the house using the dustpan, the broom and dust vac. The also like helping rake leaves...well I rake thm into a pile and they pick them up and put them in the leaf bag.
Piper has started using forks and spoons to feed herself. Rain prefer using her hands so that she can be more selective with what she eats. although she does like to eat her pasta with a fork. Both girls have noticed the moon and taken to howling at it when they see it in the sky or pictures of it in a book. (They saw a dog howling at a moon in one of their books) Since we had snow on Mommy's birthday the girls have been introduced to playing in the snow and toboggins.
Today we've had some fun stacking big yogurt tubs into towers and then knocking them down. Rain also managed to smack her face one the bookcase and give herself a nice scrape and brusie across the bridge of her nose. She's a troooper though and 2 minutes after it happened she was happy again.

Tuesday November 5, 2007
Work is going well. I think the girls are really loving interacting with the grandparents on a regular basis and Mommy is getting some time off from the girls. After a few days at Nana's and Opa's and an overnight at Garndma and Grandpa's we're determined that the girls sleep better away than at home. Piper was so uphappy when we left Nana's today that she cried for 5 minutes in the car. I'm guessing they have more fun some days with the grandparents than they do with mom.
I wanted to include a photo of Piper's first drawing (which she did completely on her own except for her name which Daddy wrote). She managed to get up onto a chair, take Mommy's pen and doodle her first materpiece all over the cover of one of Mommy's work folders. I guess maybe she DOES miss me.
Tuesday November 5, 2007
Welcome to November!
Mommy is back to work. Only a few times a week for a short 3 month contract. The grandparents have been a great help in watching the girls while we take the opportunity to bring in some extra cash. Plus it give Mommy a much needed break from the girls while giving them a chance to spend more time with their grandparents.
The weather has certainly become colder and our outside time has been cut shorter. Rain's favourite word right now seems to be "Hockey" while Piper mimics pretty much anything she "Lawnmower", "Touchdown", or "Raspberry". Piper also loves to say "Hi Daddy" or "Bye Bye Daddy".
Since we hope to raise the kids green its nice to see they are learning their lesson's early and helping out with the recycling. They both help us bring the recycling bins back from the curb to the garage.