Twin Blog : March 2008
Friday March 25th, 2008
Happy Easter everyone!
A couple new things to add to the blog. Rain is now starting to string together words like "Mommy's Car Is Red." She's also starting to recite books to me...complete books. She and I sat down one morning and she read me Busy Busy Barnyard.
Piper can not only recognize the word "CANADA" but associates the national anthem (which I occasionally sing for them) with hockey. Go figure...she has her Dad's genetics. "Canada" is genetically synonymous with "hockey". Both the girls have combined two words (Cherrios an Cereal) to produce the new word Cerios. Yum Yum Cerios. Speaking of hockey, we broke out the nets the other day and played some driveway hockey. Rain had a blast trying to hit the balls. Piper was a bit more apprehensive which I chalk up to the cold. Dad can't wait until he can strap the goalie gear on one of them.
For Easter they got to hunt for chocolate covered eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's house (Piper got the hang of the "hunt" quite quickly and then also discovered that the foil wrapping comes off the egg...mmm) and jelly beans at Nana'a and Opa's where the competition was fierce with cousin Jack.
Check out my neice Julia...isn't she the cutest little elf you've ever seen!

Friday March 14th, 2008
Piper's adding to her repetiore of silly faces...some old ones and new ones.

Thursday March 13th, 2008
Some fun updates this week. First off we heard the girls singing along to Day-O (Daylight come and me wanna go do do). It was so funny to hear them shouting DAY-O DAY-O DAY-O. They have a new bath tub game too....throwing all their toys out and the getting out to put them all back in. It gets the bathroom floor pretty soaked but they have fun giggling their heads off. I found a toilet paper roll stuffed with tampons one day...I think it must have been Rain.

We had a great time eating watermelon in Mommy's closet one afternoon too. (Why the closet...who knows?...that's just where they wanted to be) They ate nearly a quarter or a full melon. A nice winter's treat.

We took them to the zoo again (gotta love the seasons pass) and it was a special week devoted to frogs. They had people giving out chocolate covered crickets. I let Piper eat one...she wanted "mo mo". We bumped into some friend at the zoo who also have twin girls (a few months older than ours)

We went to a farm this morning despite the blizzard and cold weather. We saw cows, sheep, rabbits, goats, alpaca's and chickens. Rain was trying to climb through the bars and wanted to go in all the enclosures. She ended up getting pecked on the hand by a chicken which caused some crying...but a couple of rounds of Baa Baa Black Sheep while being tossed up and down made thinsg right again.

Lastly I have finally translated a word in Piperspeak that she's been saying for a few weeks but has eluded me as to the meaining..."Ha-danny" means Handy Dandy. In the show Blues Clues Steve always gets out his Handy Dandy notebook. The things they pick up from TV.
Thursday March 6th, 2008
We went back to the zoo this morning and the most exciting things were the wooden canoe, the plastic flaps that hang over the doorways to keep the birds in and the bowls of fake fruit at one of the educational tables. Daddy and I had fun though watching the Orangutans and Gorillas. We also took a trip back to the Lake to watch the ducks and geese. It was pretty slippery though with all the ice. And yes we got more snow this week. Snow snow snow....
Rain likes when she can cuddle in my arms and I whisper Baa Baa Black Sheep in her ear....she comes to me and says "Sad"..."Hug" and then "Baa Baa Sheep" She's also decided to start talking with recognizable words. It's as if she knew lots of words all along but decided to talk gibberish...but now her instant vocabulary is amazing.
Piper has discovered how to put things in the microwave AND turn it on, and how to plug in Daddy's shaver. The things they learn just by watching....eep! She also loves to have a manicure and pedicure...she'll sit on her stool while I clip her nails and then massage cream into her feet.
Curious Buddies and Raffi are still their fave DVD but Blues Clues is becomming a fast second. Doddlebops and Elmo come in after that.
Lastly, with the nice weather we had today I took the girls across the street to play hockey with the neighbours 5 year old. They girls were SO cute...doing their daddy proud!
Another one of Rain's Milk Painting Masterpiece...this time on the couch cushions.
Saturday March 1st, 2008
Welcome to March. Happy Birthday Daddy!
Here's a picture of Rain's milk painting...she loves to shake milk or juice on the floor or couch and then smear it around with her hands. And some funny pictures of Piper maing faces (she has discovered I can take pictures of her and then show her the pictures so she can see how funny she looks)
