
Twin Blog : June 2007

June 29, 2007

Piper is teething. She's had a really rough couple of days but she seems to be doing better today. Rain is happy as usual (already the owner of two nice white front teeth). This morning in their happy wandering about the house Piper discovered a new place to crawl into...she was after some toys that had found their way under the crib. Rain also dozed off today in the midst of a snack of cheerios. Lastly Piper was instructing Rain on how to climb UP the slide. (see photos below) Silly babies.

June 21, 2007

Piper can say her name and has started walking too. When she sets her mind to it she really learns fast. She is starting to mimick things we say too and can say "baby", "Piper", "Baaa" "bow wow wow".

Rain is also getting better with her speech and although doesn't say words very accurately she certainly tries to copy whatever we say. She chatters away with whole sentences with inflextion in her voice. Rain is walking with more confidence and now likes to carry objects when she walks (she is fond of bringing me books to read to her). Walking is her primary mode of locomotion whereas Piper still mixes walking with crawling.

Rain also has the second of her upper teeth coming through, making her tooth count four. Piper's is still at 2 (although I think the upper 2 are coming soon)

Lastly...for anyone who wants an example of just how strong Piper is (I brag about her being able to pull herself up on the table edge) here is a photo of her in the backyard. Ben walked too close to the tree and the little monkey grabbed ahold.

June 15, 2007

It's crazy I tell ya. I can barely keep up. They are learning SO fast now they surprise me everyday with something new. Piper said "baby" the other day when we went to visit Baby Liam for the first time. Rain is walking while holding onto a ball or toy. Both of them are so active in discovering new things. The have fallen in love with anything that has buttons, from mom's belly button to the buttons on the TV, to buttons on their toys.

We had another development test at the hospital this past week and the girls passed with flying colours. No conerns at all. In fact I think they are already doing some things listed for their 18 month old test in december.

They love rough housing too and I can get them laughing hysterically just by pushing them over on the cushions or crawling after them as fast as I can.

Below are two photos taken seconds apart. The first is the girls posing for the camera, the second is how they REALLY are off camera.

June 10, 2007

Mom is having a baby free day. And what does a mom DO when having a baby free day. Chores, yaredwork and shopping. It's amazing how much of the TO DO list one can get done when unhindered by little people. I have even had the chance to finally add up some videos on the site. The day is quiet...maybe too quiet.

June 8th 2007

The girls both have colds....it's making it hard for them to sleep. Poor babies
Rain is walking. There I said it. She's walking whenever and where ever she wants. She uisually doesn't always make it very far and is very wobbly but she just stands up and goes off walking. Piper seems to be refusing to walk at this point in time. She stands up and sqauts down several times but won't take a step. If you try and get her to walk she either just sits down or pulls her feet up so you can't stand her up. She certainly has the balance and strength but for now seems to be happy with her speed crawling.

On a last note...we have to shout out a HUGE congrats to Lori and Ian on the birth of their baby boy Liam. Check out Liam's website.

June 1, 2007

A lot has happened in the past few weeks. The girls can now identify feet, head and belly button..plus Rain can put her hands up when asked and Piper both gives wet kisses and can roll her hands around. They both dance and clap when asked too. It so amazing to see how fast they pick things up.

The biggest event is that Rain is now walking...just 8-10 steps...but definately one has to call it walking. She will pull herself up on something and then just take off in whatever direction she feels like.

We had a few days up with Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy worked the night shift and made a surprise visit up to Great Granny and Great Grandad's house for Great Grannies birthday.

On a sad note..that seagull I mentioned in the May 28th post did not make it. And Hades (our alpha cat) left us a dead chipunk in the bedroom a few nights ago. I've never seen any chipmunks around here so who knows where he found it.

Piper has become quite intrigue but button and discovered my camera lying on the floor today, still on...before I realized it she had taken a picture...here is that photo (pretty good composition if I do say so myself)

May 28, 2007

So on the walk with the girls this morning we come across a seagull that was injured...we think it's wing was broken because it was fluttering around in the middle of one of the main roads while cars slowed to avoid hitting it. Having such a big heart for animals I couldn't just walk away so while Ben pushed the stroller I caught the seagull and we took it up to the nearest animal clinic. I don't know what will become of the poor bird but it will at least be better than if we had left it there. I hope to teach the girls that every life (yes, even dirty noisy seagulls) deserves respect.

May 26, 2007

Wow.....Life is moving so fast and I can't beleive the girls are into their second year already.

Rain is almost walking (showing a confidence that is astounding) as well as chattering almost non stop in her own way. She is always trying to imitate us when we speak and sometimes gets the right sylable count even though she can't form the right sounds.

Piper is climbing just about everything she can. With amazing strength she can pull herself up on the side of the table using only her arms. She loves to climb on and off the couch as seems willing to tackle any obsticle.

Here is a photo of our new bike trailer (which we picked up for $5 at a garage sale) and a goofy picture of the girls looking through the glass coffee table at Grandma and Grandpa's house.