Twin Blog : July 2007
Friday July 27, 2007
Both girls are increasing their speech and trying now to mimic words we say. They don't come out right but you get the point and see their effort. She was trying to say PASTA at dinner tonight. Piper tried to say BLUEBERRY. They often say HOTDOG or ACHOO and can make all kinds of animals sounds such as cows, sheep, cats, dogs and monkies. We've taught them how to EEK like a monkey and beat their chest. They also know how to howl like a wolf. They know UP and DOWN and ALL AROUND and have hand actions for each.
They know many body parts including head, bellybutton, feet, hands, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, tongue, and toes to name a few.
This week they had their first taste of mommy's favourite dessert...ICE CREAM!

Wednesday July 11, 2007
I have to say the girls are ton of laughs sometimes....I especially love their choice of headgear. I can't get them to wear their REAL hats very often but kicthen strainers and woven baskets are apparently all the rage.

Friday July 3, 2007
Welcome to July!
I could ramble on about all the new things the girls are doing now but I'm sure the blog would be too long. So here's a fwe things. The girls have mastered pointing to all kinds of body parts...head, ears, nose, eyes, toes, feet, belly button and Piper's favourite...her tongue (which she proudly sticks out whenever asked).
When you ask Piper if she wants to have a bath she always replies "Bath?". She's also working on saying "Moo" but only has the "Mmm" down so far. Rain likes to say "Kitty" although it comes out "Tithy".
We have a neighbour who has white rabbits that run loose in the neighbourhood. The girls love to go looking for rabbits now. The other day we had one of them visit our backyard close enough to touch. Check out the video!
Here's a funny photo of Piper after one of her meals....peas, pasta and other assorted things. And a photo of the rabbit. Lastlt a great photo of the girls on some SWINGS FROM HELL!
