
Twin Blog : January 2008

Wednesday January 31th, 2008

Rain has a black eye. She tripped on the lip of a carpet and fell into a TV stand. Rain "Danger" Morrison has no fear and never looks at her feet. That is why we've come to calling her by ner native name "One Who Bonks". Piper on the other hand has the new nickname "She Who Eats Everything". Sasha (their friend down the street) goes by the name "Dances With Hotdogs"

We took the girls to the shore where we got to feed the ducks and geese and then go on a short path through the woods where dozens of birdfeeders hang. You can just hold feed in your hand the birds start eating out of your palm. Check out the videos. We tried to get Piper to feed the birds but she couldn't stand still long enough. Rain was far more interested in the ducks at the pond which were also quite friendly and would come really close.

Monday January 21th, 2008

Been a while. The family has been taking turns getting sick...all except for Daddy.

The other day I was washing dishes and Daddy came by and gave me a pat on my butt. Piper, who was watching proceeded to come up and give me a butt pat too. What little watchful eyes they have.

I wish I could remember more stories to record in this blog. So much changes....the girls are talking more each day, climbing higher and better, running and playing...they can both recite a few books, identify a TON of animals and objects, body parts and food. Tehy have started asking for things by name. Piper can climb up on the change table and almost out of the crib. Rain loves her bath so much she hates to come out, even after all the water has drained away. The Curious Buddies have become part of our daily routine..."Buddies On?"

Piper has taken a liking to pickles....while yogurt (she calls A-nook) remains a staple. Rain loves her carbs and pasta is always a hit.

Daddy and Piper in helmets (we bought helmets for both girls and can't wait to take them skating)

Piper's fallen asleep on Mommy's lap while surfing on the computer

The Paparazzi strikes again

Rain loves puddles

Monday January 7th, 2008

Happy New Year

What a wonderful crazy start to the year. Both Rain and Piper had a great time playing with their cousins Jack and Julia over the holiday. The cold wintery weather has given way to rain and warm days.

A few fun things they girls have now learned (although to be honest they are leaning so much each day that I have a hard time keeping track)...they both try counting to ten and with a little help they can usualy get through all 10 numbers. They have both discovered the art of climbing and using things like boxes to get up and over the back of the couch. Rain as usual is fearless...climbing and in the water. In the hot tub she is quite happy to lunge off into the deep without fear. Piper excells in kicking her feet and blowing bubbles. Their speech is advacing so fast they stun me each day with a new word. Piper will parrot pretty much anything and Rain has suddenly switched from babbling to speaking words. As a mom its pretty awesome when they can communicate what they want to you.

We also introduced them to the computer (I know I know....so early?) Since kids in this day and age are destined to use computers everyday then why not get them started now. Piper loves to play a game where she can click buttons on the keyboards to get various things ot happen on screen (like monkeys throwing bananas at her and gophers popping in and out of holes)