
Twin Blog : February 2008

Friday February 25th, 2008

Just a funny picture. Rain stacks everything she can get her hands on.

Friday February 19th, 2008

Just a quick post about some things I forgot to add. One of my favourite words right now that Piper says is "Anook" whilch is Piperspeak for Yogurt. Rain calls her ABC's her ABCD's. Today she spent so much time spinning around to music that she was stumbling around starring at the floor amazed at how it was moving so mcuh when she wasn't. It was pretty funny. Check out the the videos.html.

Friday February 18th, 2008

So here's some new things to report. Rain is apprently "Sad" since she tells me that and then asks for a hug. They also both sing the alphabet although they don't get most of the letters. They kind of mutter the tune while filling in the letters they do know. They love doing the hand motion to Itsy Bitsy and Mr Sun and both are trying to sing rather than just recite. The pitch of their voices change up and down as they try to mimic the song we love to sing together. Rain gets SO excited when some songs (like Ring Around the Rosie or Down By The Bay) come on, she shrieks with joy. Piper brushes her teeth and is trying to put her own shoes on. She also loves to play with her baby doll, diapering and swaddling her, feeding and taking her shopping in their play shopping cart. She also seems taken with the fairy house we have. She likes to go and wake up the fairies in the morning by shouting at them through their tint window and making them have tea and apples for breakfast.

Its been a rough couple of days with some bad overnights....I think some more teeth are the culprit. As a treat and a distraction we got the girls a couple of foil balloons. One has Curious George on it and the other has the Cast of Baby Einstein (two good picks by daddy). We trying some new videos too...Blue Clues and Doodlebops seem to be among their favourite although none can stand up to Curious Buddies and Raffi.

Some fun pictures. Rain with her first pigtail! Some new furnature in the girls bedroom (my bedroom drawers and hutch from when I was a kid) and a computer of their own right next to Mommy's so they can play Giggles Baby.

Friday February 13th, 2008

Piper used the potty sucessfully for the first time yesterday. Yay Piper! We've had one for over a month now and Piper has shown quite an interest. Rain surprises me daily by how many books and songs she can recite parts of. She loves to fill in the last word of almost any book or song that she's familiar with. Today she bumped her head and came to me and said "Bonk head." It's amazing that they are communicating their thoughts and wishes now.

Piper asks for specific foods....Bee Bee Beee's for blueberries, one of her favourites right now. Piper and I play a game where I lift her up with my feet while lying on my back and zoom her back and forth, up and down (a really great leg work out for me) We call it "flying"...she loves flying. Today while changing her diaper she had her baby doll "fly" imitating our game except with her playing my part. Rain is in love with her Leappad and had been entralled with the new book we added. She take me hand and says "Mommy Pad?" and then leads me to watch her play with it.

Friday February 11th, 2008

Yay for February!
Its been snowy one week and feezing cold the next. Gotta love winter.

My current fave word that Rain says is "Raddit" for rabbit. Piper says "Opitus" istead of octopus. It's so funny it makes me laugh every time.

Despite the cold we took them to the zoo yesterday for a few hours (bought a year pass too). Piper seem to like looking at animals. Rain loved the freedom of running around the pavillion. Both we're exhausted by the end. Rain fell asleep in the stroller and Piper was out cold as we left the parking lot heading home. Check out the ZOO Photos and ZOO Videos.

Here's a few of my fave photos.