
Twin Blog : December 2007

Wednesday December 20th, 2007

Well we survived the snow storms. In fact the girls have been happy to sit on the sled and tour the neighbourhood. We took them outside during the blizzard which they weren't too happy about but they played in the car while we shovelled.

We had another developmental test this morning which went well. The girls are doing great in their language, motor, and cognative skills! They are both around 25 pounds and Rain is about 30 inches while Piper is 31.5 inches.

We had another family Christmas Party. Rain is a party animal and not shy at all in large groups of strange people. Piper takes a while to take it all in and likes to stick closer to me, daddy or the grandparents.

Below are some pictures. The girls have taken to stacking canned goods they take out of the pantry. Rain watching Daddy play a Nintendo Wii. A blizzard picture. Kissing one moment, fighting the next.

Wednesday December 12th, 2007

I can't rant enough about the Buddies....Curious Buddies. Do Be Do Be Do. They girls are in love with the show for which there are 7 DVD's. They love asking for "Bud-dies!" and end the day watching an episode before bed. Yodeledeay. Below is a picture of two of the Buddies...finger puppets on loan from the neighbour to help satisfy the girls obsession. Rain's latest "thing" is kissing everything...toys, herself in the mirror and even pictures in books. I also came across the girls puzzel benches with the first letters mixed up. It seem "Pain" and "Riper" have been busy. We've been practicing hockey and have found mommy and daddy's DVD collection.

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 Part 2

I snagged some shots of Piper making faces at herself in the mirror. She seems to favour the "tongue sticking out" pose best. Pretty cute.

Wednesday December 5th, 2007 Part 1

Life is funny. Well actually the girls are funny which makes my life fun. This sentiment is best illustrated with captioned photos.

Rolling with Puppies
Rain's favourite object is her puppy. We have many of them and occasionally we find her rolling in puppies.

Superhero who wear hats
Rain has taken to a particular yellow footed sleeper that she likes to wear around her neck like a cape. Piper joins her with a matching hat like a sidekick.

People Living In Shoes
Over the last couple of weeks I've found many small people living/hiding out in shoes about the house. I dumped ten people out of my slippers the other night. Who is doing it? One of the girls? Or have these small plastic people decided to take over the house?

Piper stacks them up. Rain knocks them down.

Scotty Beam Me Up.
Rain gets a hold of a communicator and is getting beamed up.

Who Needs Pictures
Who needs pictures when you have Arthur C. Clark?

Sunday December 2nd, 2007


Although this is the second snow storm of the year, last nights storm was BIG. We had a few feet of snow dumped on us (instead of a few inches). So we suited the girls up and took them outside for some sledding and shoveling. They loved it until Piper got a faceful of snow when she tumbled off the sled. Brrrrrr....cold!

This past week has been pretty hard. we had a doctor's appointment last Tuesday and the girls got their last set of needles (until school). Piper ended up getting a fever which combined with the sudden rush of teeth coming in, made he a rather unhappy baby. Rain managed to get a cold (which didn't seem to slow her down at all), Daddy got a cold too and Mommy had some trouble with her back. The girls just aren't as light as they used to be. But we made it through and all seems to be ok again.

With Christmas fast approching we're all getting excited to see Uncle Scott, Aunt Marianne, Cousin's Jack and Julia again as well as the rest of a family! Until then though we'll continue to have fun in the snow (as long as it lasts)