
Twin Blog : August 2007

Friday August 17, 2007

How thw time flies. It flies so fast I've managed ot miss both a dentist appointment earlier this year and now a doctors appointment for the girls 15 month checkup. I was in a panic yesterdaqy when I thought my sister's birthday had passed and I hadn't talked to her (it's not for a few more days...whew!). I don't even know what day of the week it is.

Piper and Rain are now eating corn on the cob and apples...whole apples. Go figure. Rina has 7 teeth (including one molar). Piper's tooth count is still at 4 but I think she drools enough for both of them.

We had some fun days playing in a rainstorm, seeing a ballhockey game, going to the pool, going to the jungle gyms, visiting some of mommies friends and having fun in the backyard.

Rain is starting to do simple puzzels now too.

We've also taught Piper how to say "HOCKEY"! Our favourite thing is when we ask the girls if they are monkey's and they reply by EEK EEK EEK while beating their chests.

Wednesday August 8, 2007

Since Mommy needed to out do Daddy....

Also...Piper can say "BUBBLE". She loves to stomp her foot too when she hears music. Rain loves to fetch books from the book shelf and bring them to us to read. Whne you finish one she goes and gets another. Both girls bounce on their feet when they hear the song "Bumping Up and Down". Both of them can also get up in their gym cube and go down the slide on their own. Piper likes to go down forward and Rain lies down and goes feet first.

Monday August 6, 2007

The many faces Rain and Piper's Daddy (which Ben took himself). These kids will have an interesting childhood. what more needs to be said?

Wednesday August 1, 2007

Welcome to August.

It's an awful hot week to start the month with temperatures at 34 degress (although the thermometer on our patio in full sun gets up to 47 degrees). The girls love being outside despite the heat and they drag their sippy cups of water around the backyard while playing. We strip them down for some water play in their little pool too.

We have a new digital camera! (The last one somehow found it's way from the diaper bag into the water table and was thusly wrecked - not sure which one of the monkey's did it).

A new word to add to Piper's vocabulary is "SASHA", "APPLE" and "BALL". Rain loves to MEOW like a kitty and also says "BALL" repeatedly. The other day I was looking at a picture book with Rain and she correctly identified about 20 different objects and animals....I was amazed!

Did I mention how tall Piper is getting?